I don't know what to do...

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Belle's POV:

I don't know why I'm mad. She just, she rubs me the wrong way, ya know? I just remember what Danny told me. When I feel mad, go outside and take a breathe-r.

"Ana! Wait up!" Dally shouted. I guess I started walking. I didn't even know. Man, I need to stop doing that and calm down.

Agh! Fudge, I really need to calm down.

'Think of something or someone.' He told me.

'Think of what though?' I responded.

'You're anchor. It'll help you more.' My what? I'm confused. What anch- oh wait... was this from... no, it couldn't be, could it?

'How do I know what's my anchor?'

'In time Belley. You'll find out in time.' I still don't get it. Who or what is my anchor?

"Man, you sure walk fast Ana."

"Dang it Dally! Don't do that to me!" I started to breathe heavily.

"Sorry Ana. You OK? You look like you 'bout to have a panic attack." He said.

"I'm fine." Dang it! Why... why can't I speak with an American accent instead of my British accent when I'm nervous, upset or mad?

All of a sudden...

"Ana watch out!"

"Wha- AHHH!"


Steve's POV:

Why was she mad? Did she mean to yell at me? Does she know Cherry? Did she rub her the wrong way? All of these questions were poppin' in my head. I couldn't help but worry 'bout 'er.

"Hey man calm down. It's not like she was like depressed upset right?" With that statement Sodapop said, Darry, Danny, Ponyboy and Johnny stiffened.

'Did I miss something? Is she depressed?'

'Well, she could be.' A voice in my head said. 'Might I remind you, she's did live with mom.'

I need to stay calm. "She did go with Dally. Maybe he could calm her down." Two-Bit said. She's with who!?!?

"What?!?" I yelled, "How is she with Dally?" I wasn't all mad. I was just nervous he'll make a move in her then break her heart.

"He went after her." Two said.

"What?!?" That right there, was Horseman's turn to be worried. Wait...

"Hey Horseman, do you..." when I trailed off the tip of his ears turned red. Everything makes sense now. No, no it doesn't. Hehe, but I bet he likes her. "Do you like her?"

"Uh, um... maybe. PlEaSe DoN't KiLl Me!" He said while running away.

"Johnnycakes, can you get Horseman?"

Ponyboy's POV:

I ran. I don't know where I'm running, but I'm running.

*10 minutes later*

Is that? No, it couldn't. I can't. I canNOT believe what I'm seeing. Dally and Belle-Bear are...


Hey guys! So... I updated! What do y'all think? By the way, sorry if* I'm going to kill you with the cliffhanger. What do you think Ponyboy saw? See y'all on the next update. Also, when I do Belle's POV, do you guys want me to put it as Belle, Belles, Ana or how should I put her POV as? Let meh know guys, thank youss!

-Em 🏀💙☽♫

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