My Past

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Quick A/N: It's going to have self harm so if you guys feel uncomfortable you can skip this part.

"Oh um... that was my uh best friend from Texas." I said shuttering. Oh geez willickers (wil-lick-er-z) when am I going to stop shuttering?

"Was it a boy?" Sodapop asked in a teasing voice.

"Um... w-why does it matter?"

"Is he your boyfriend?" Dally asked.

"No. He's just my best friend. He was basically a brother to me in Texas. He was there for me when... stuff happened."

"Do I know him?" Steve asked.

"I'm um not sure." 

Then I dashed to the kitchen. I'm not good, like at all, in weird or awkward scenarios. "Y'all want something to eat?" I yelled.

"That's alright. I got this Ana." Darry said.

"Awww. I can help Darry. Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeease????" I asked with puppy eyes.

"Yeah Darry. I mean, how can you say no to this face?" Sodapop said while holding my face.

"Oh, alright. Come on Ana. Do you know how to make a cake?" Darry said/asked.

"Yup!" I said while popping the p. "Cooking is a second nature to me actually." I said quietly. I didn't think anyone would have heard me, but apparently Darry's got wolf ears.

"What you say Ana?" Darry asked quietly. Since we were still in the living room, I said, "Nothing." but quietly told Darry, "I'll tell you in the kitchen."

When Darry and I were in the kitchen I told Darry the whole story of me. I didn't skip a beat since I really trust him. Yeah, I know, I should tell Steve but, how will he react? Not to well. I know that. I'm going to tell Steve when I think it's the right time.

"When I lived with my mom. I didn't have the best life. Once Steve and Dad left, I was basically my mom's punching bag. She'd use her pocket knife on me, kick me anywhere and everywhere, same goes with punching me. I was a rag doll too to her. She threw me down the stairs and I would get a lot of bruises. Today wasn't the worst she's done. Today, she threw a beer bottle at my head. Since I have fast reflexes, I ducked before it hit me. Unfortunately I was in front of a wall. So when the bottle made contact with the wall, it shattered and that's why you saw pieces of glass on my head. After a while, I became immune to the feeling of pain. She abused me physically and mentally. One time one of her flings came onto me and I was, still am, so weak that I couldn't get him off me..." I left my words hang for a little. 

"Did he?.." Darry asked.

"No. I was able to get away from him because at school I did track. Also Danny came in at the time. When Danny got there, the guy was trying to take off my pants. And since Danny knows karate he helped me get away from the guy when he was trying to get to me. I felt so violated. It felt so gross. After him, I never liked it when guy touched me other than Danny. Even if it was a poke, I felt grossed out when I couldn't see the guy." I said sadly.

"You and Danny seem close." He commented.

"Yeah." I did a sad laugh , "He's been there for me for almost 2 years. After Steve and Dad left. He's been my over protective brother. When I was saying I dated someone, I used to date Johnston. He was a jock. I kinda should have seen that he was just using me. He didn't even get what he wanted with me. He ruined me. And Danny ruined his face," I laughedand I was preparing myself to tell Darry what happened next, "WhenmymomwasdoingthistomeIcutted." I said really fast. I was kinda hoping Darry didn't catch on but I saw realization pass through his face.

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