chapter 3

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the last few weeks all I could ever think about was that kid I sat by in the class, he was so dashing, oh how he looked like a frog that has been strangled to death, and sounded like some sort of dying wheal cow. I never got around to asking his name. but today was my chance, because today I go back to school, I was so excited about making new friends. When I arrived at school I parked honky where I did last time and walked to class. There he was sitting there so handsome like he's on the crapper, constipated and trying to do the best he can to push his turd lobster out of his juicy bum. I sat next to him and he looked at me scared, "what's wrong baby?" I asked him, and he responded with " please don't call me baby only my uncle can call me that". I saw that he was a little on edge and it's only my duty as his girlfriend to try and cheer him up. "Then what do you want me to call you" I asked, "call me by my name, Sasha" he replied. Was that his name? Sasha. That was a odd name to be called when you are a human male. "What do you want to do after school Sasha baby?", I asked and he said "for the last time my name is Sasha and I'm not doing anything after school". With only that I stopped talking to him and asked to go the little ladies room, as I walked in there, these two guys walked out of each stall, "what are you looking at freak?", on said to me "I honestly don't know what I'm looking at, something not human" I said, of corse it wasn't human, so beautiful in every way shape and form, could this have been? I only been at this school for 2 days and I already found my destiny. "What did you just say to me you loser?", I don't know why he was calling me these suspicious names but I could see that se was getting frustrated. All I could do was stand there, because if I moved I feared that i would make him think I'm weird. "By the way your in the boys bathroom" he said. With that they left laughing. Oh man that was a close one, anything I could have said would be held against me in his presents. When he left all I could feel was emptiness in my tummy. I hurried to the stall before anyone would noticed and began to eat my delicious turd biscuit. Thinking about him I knew I was bound to his scent. I didn't come to school to find love but did love come to find me? All these questions in my head needed to be answered. Oh no I forgot that I was still Sasha's girlfriend, I needed to tell him the heartbreaking news. I went back to class and there he was sitting by the other girl named Jane, how dare he talk to that girl, running over to him I slapped him across the face, "how dare you talk to that wanna be me!? I'm braking up with you, plus I found a new man I talked to in the male bathroom." With that I stormed out if the room and got on honky and me and him left together. That was a long day I spread out on my hay stack where I slept, I waited and waited for uncle and step mother to come home and give me a spanking for not doing my chores. How could Sasha be talking to that girl, no one even likes her. I heard the front door to the cottage open and there they were, ready to whip me with their hot polish sausage. "Come here you little brat, since you can't do what we ask of you, your getting whips." Running over I got excited, I bent over and they began whippin me nice and hard, when they got to the 5th whip I couldn't help myself, all the sewer serpents penetrated out of my juicy deep pit, and squirted all over step mother, she thru me in my room and locked me in there. I was so happy I had left overs hiding in my pants I ate that and I took a nap, oh I took that nap long and hard and woke up to the sound of my tummy rumbling and I think you can guess what I ate.

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