chapter 6

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I woke up the next month, after the incident with the velociraptor. When I woke from deep hibernation, I saw that most of my cottage was missing, it must have been in my tummy, and now in my pants from a month worth of poop. I had to change my pants, not my panties, because I love the feeling of my butt being smothered in my feces, it felt so natural.

I had no idea of what day it was, so I hurried and got ready for school, i hopped on honkey and left the cottage, I had to get to school before I was late.

        I walked into class and looked at Sasha. I didn't have any feelings for him anymore after he cheated on me with that horrible girl. I walked over to him and her, just when i got face to butt with her, I pulled my panties down and sharted into her face. She freaks out and runs away crying. Sasha looked at me and said "wow that was hot, I wish we would have gotten a sample of what was on her face we should mingle together." Why does this cheating turd eater want to be my boyfriend? Whatever, "yes let's go eat the rest of my shart that I left on Linda's disgusting but hot head skin." With that we both headed out of the class room door and went on a search to find Linda, of coarse we found her in the walk in fridge.
"There you are Linda" I said.
"Leave me alone." She replied.
"We are here to eat what's mine," I said with a stern voice. "Her sewer spray! Now wipe it from your ugly poop receiver and hand it over." Sasha said loud. "I can't there's to much" she said. "Then we will precede to scarf you until there's nothing left" I said, there's nothing else to do, so with that I jumped on her back while Sasha attacked her legs. She screamed to get off her but the connection was to strong to stop. With everything happening I started to suck her head till it turned purple, she was holding me up on her shoulders since she was bigger them me and stronger. I looked to see Sasha sucking the life out of her leg that was covered in my fudge babies. She then was on the ground passé out an that's when we cleaned her until she was nothing but bones. We left with out saying a word, but with stares that said good job. We left to our own cottages, I soaked myself in my diarrhea and relaxed, and thoughts about everything that had happened that day.

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