Chapter 16

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I woke up the next sun rise, tired and worn out. Sasha looked as if he was in some kind of bar fight with himself. Flus face looked very swollen from all the wasp bites, plus all the dirty crusty eye buggers. I on the other hand was very sexy in all my ways. Even my crusty unibrows are the real pantie droppers.

I stood from my hay stack and walked over to Sasha's and kicked and punched him hard in the face while screaming bloody murder. He woke up in a panic until he saw me. I sprinted full speed to Flus hay stack and jumped on her while bitting her uncontrollably she tasted like hot dogs. She whimpered and tried to push me off her, but just then I let out a medium sized turd onto her forehead. We all walked out for some anal cookies. But we discovered that someone or something had stolen our fudge babies.

"WHO TOOK OUR PRECIOUS LOVED BROWN BANANAS!" I shouted while falling on my knees frantically.

We all stood I'm a circle growling at each other like a bunch of pack of lions. we were hunched backed like a gorilla or a dog taking a long juice turd. I growled and barked at all of them while they snared back at me.

"I know one of you thefts took it" Sasha yelled.

"I didn't take it Sasha. You did it. now hand me my digested offsprings." Flu responded.

With that we all attacked each other with our claws and feet. While that was happening, I pointed me anal gun at the both of then and shot my hardened poop goblins. They both flew back still attacking each other.

Then we All stopped by the sound of a slim whistle. We looked up and saw a man about 528 Years older then us. He had brown crap hair with his pudding eyes the size of a hole. He had long black facial pubes, the size of ones body. He was sitting on top of a draping monkey hanging from a branch.

"Here Yee Here yee!" He screamed until out ear drums exploded. "I have taken your Scrumptious turds for myself! If you want it back, then you'll have to do as I say for the rest of the day!" He yelled even louder, our ears bleed in the most lovely pain we've felt.

"Okay old master! we volunteer as tribute to your contract. As a whole, we are at your service till you give our chocolate bananas back!" Sasha said.

I looked into his deep pudding eyes and he began staring straight at me. We began to circle around each other barking like dogs. He licked him fingers and his pudding eyes. His slim figure was hairy and rough with warts all over him. He was old and smelt like a fish tank full of dead fish, and it hasn't been cleaned in over 2 years.

"Listen to me fart sniffer Suesen" he shouted. How did he know my tittle?

"STOCKER!" I screamed.

I then lunged at him with full animal force and tackled him to the sky. I farted, pooped and wiped him hard like there is no yesterday. I jumped on his shoulders while he was screaming. I was licking his hair that tasted like raw dung and sucking on his head. "YOU TASTE LIKE MEAT AND CHEESE" I screamed. I liked it. I liked his taste. I then jumped of him when he was flat on the ground, then grabbed his four feet, then swung him in circles then just when I got enough speed, I thru him to the sky with all my lady force. He then landed somewhere in the mountains.

Once that was over Sasha and flu look at me with crazy eyes. "How are we going to find our poop without him?" Sasha asked.

"Well we will have to find him in the morning and kidnap him." I said. 
I regained my strength by laying down in a hole I made for a chamber pot. When I got enough energy, I got up and walked over to Sasha, he was hibernating. I laid on top of head sideways and went to sleep.

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