Chapter 10

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After admiring the beautiful night sky for another 15 minutes, we started back.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Taehyung who led the way asked.

"I don't know. After seeing those stars and realizing how small our world actually is, all of my problems seem like blown away."

"I know, right? That's one of the reasons this place became a hideout to me. It's perfect for taking some time out and thinking about everything that bothers you."

"It was worth all the hiking."

"I told-" Taehyung suddenly stopped in front of me.

I stopped as well, wondering , "What's wrong?"

He then turned to me, smiling sheepishly, "You don't have an umbrella with you, do you?"

"Wha-?" then I felt a drip on my nose and directed my gaze at the sky. The next moment it began to rain heavily.

"I forgot checking the weather forecast" Taehyung almost shouted, trying to drown the sound of the rain drops falling.

"What are we going to do? I can't see anything, Taehyung" I shouted back.

"Here" he held out his hand, "Take my hand."

I did as he told me to, "What now?"

"There is no point in hiking in the dark when it's raining. Let's hurry to the inn from earlier."

"Okay" I nodded.

"Be careful where you step on and try not to slip, Jihye" he noted as he started leading us downhill through the bushes and trees.

"You don't have to tell-" I accidenly stepped on a muddy spot, slipping and falling at the same time.

Taehyung who was still holding my hand, crouched down next to me immediately, "Are you hurt?"

"Yes" I said while groaning in pain, "It's my right leg."

I tried moving it but to no avail, "Taehyung I can't move it" I looked up to him, holding my leg.

"Asking if you are able to walk would be pointless then" he let go of my hand and took off his backpack to put it on the other way around his stomach.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" he turned his back to me, "Place your arms on my shoulders. I will do the rest."

"Are you okay with that? I'm heavy."

"I'm strong, you know. The inn isn't that far anyway."

"O-okay" I stuttered as I put my arms around Taehyung's neck.

Then he stood up and carefully lifted my legs, carrying me on his back, "Are you okay?"

"Yes" I answered, "And Taehyung?"

"Hm?" he responded as he took little steps.

"Be careful."

"You don't have to tell me" I heard the smirk in his voice as he spoke.

Trying to get rid of the thought of being a burden, I spread the sides of my jacket and covered Taehyung's head, preventing the rain drops from reaching his face.

After about 10 minutes we arrived in front of the inn and rang the door bell.

A lady with short hair and beautiful greenish-brown eyes who seemed to be in her late 40s opened the door and smiled brightly as soon as she saw Taehyung's face.

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