"Jihye?" my aunt opened the door, being obviously surprised, "You're already here?""Who's it, honey?" the husband of my aunt joined us at the frontdoor of their apartment, "Jihye?" he checked his cellphone as soon as he saw my face. "Why didn't you call me to come pick you up? You walked all the way from the railway station to us with your leg in that state?"
"It isn't even that far" I smiled sheepishly.
"You little idiot!" my aunt embraced me, pulling me inside.
After taking off my shoes and my jacket I followed my aunt to the kitchen where her husband made tea for us.
"Where's my little sunshine?" I asked.
"She kept us awake the whole night and now she's sleeping like a log, that little rascal."
"It's kind of weird seeing you being a mother now. I still remember you babysitting me once in a while when I was in second grade and secrectly inviting your boyfriend over. Now you're married to him and a mother."
"Time is flying by without us noticing, Jihye. I realized that after meeting Chansung."
"Because you suddenly wanted do so many things with him, right? It seems like a century woudn't be enough."
She suddenly smirked, "Oh, look who's talking. Is there something or someone you want to tell me about?"
"Well, I better leave you two alone" her husband smiled as he left the kitchen.
"There's nothing to tell you, seriously."
"Doesn't seem that way" she nudged my arm, "C'mon, it's been a while since I've watched dramas, I need a good story to listen to, Jihye!"
"Oh, I almost forgot! I met a very bright nice lady on my way home who revealed herself to be your neighbor. Son Jangmi was her name."
"Ah, you did? She's such a cutie, seriously. I've had my hands so full since the birth of your cousin, sometimes I didn't even get to cook dinner. Thankfully Jangmi unnie was always such an angel and cooked more food than usual to share with us."
"I guess kind-hearted people really do exist" I smiled.
The next day, arrival in Seoul
After getting off the train, I walked over to the bus station where I waited for the bus to arrive.
Since there were no vacant seats, I had to wait standing there with my heavy backpack and my crutches. I was so tired that I lightly leaned my arm against the pole of the bus sign.
Suddenly I felt someone's presence behind me. Before I could turn around, they whispered into my ear, "Hey little lady, do you want a ride home?"
Freaking a little out, my reflexes were faster than my mind. The second I turned around, I raised one of my crutches at full tilt to the crotch of the creep behind me.
The so-called creep sank to the ground -with tears in his eyes if I weren't mistaken-, whining, "It was supposed to be a joke you cold-hearted witch."
"Omg, I'm so sorry, Joohyuk!" I tried to chocke my laughter and so did Joohyuk's older brother who came with him.
After Joohyuk put a lot of effort in getting back on his feet, he threw his arm around me, trying to gulp back his pain, "We came to pick you up, Jihye."
He nodded.
"Why? I could just have taken the bus."
"We're here now so let's just get to the car."
"Follow me" Joohyuk's older brother signalized us to follow him and led us the car.
After getting in, I once again asked why they came to pick me up.
"Can't I just be nice to you once in a while?" Joohyuk sighed.
"It's kind of weird" I laughed.
"You're acting as if I were an emotionless robot. My best friend is injured so I came to pick her up together with my brother" he sighed, "What's so weird?"
"Okay, now tell me what's up" I winked over to him, "What's the matter?"
"You know" he sighed, "My parents invited all the employees of the workout studio over for a 10 year anniversary dinner and they want me to take care of the studio for the whole day."
"And what do you want from me?"
"You remember the girl I met at the library?" he grinned, "We had planned to go to the cinema today."
"Wait, seriously?" I rejoiced, "That's great! I'm so happy to hear that!"
Giving me a hangdog look, he pouted, "Would my beloved friend possibly take care of the shop for the time being?"
I smiled, being happy for Joohyuk, "Sure thing."
"You just nailed down the position of being my groomsman, Jihye!"
I laughed, "But I'm a girl?"
"Not so sure about that" he giggled quietly, "Anyways, I already called your mother and informed her that you would be home a little later."
15 minutes later, in front of the workout studio
After opening the door with the keys Joohyuk gave me earlier, I entered the studio.
The entry area which was usually well exposed due to big windows covering the wall, was darkened with curtains. A little puzzled, I opened the curtains to let some daylight enter.
I dropped the keys on the desk and put my backpack aside. Taking only one of my crutches, I slowly walked over to the main hall of the workout studio where most of fitness and boxing lessons took place.
The main hall was even darker than the entry area earlier. I attemted to look for the light switch but stopped as chains of light, covering the gym equipments and the boxing ring, were turned on.
A dark figure revealed themselves standing in the middle of the hall, slowly walking my way.
Without saying a single word nor looking in my eyes, Taehyung grabbed my hand and led me towards the boxing ring which we stopped in front.
I was stunned. There was a dark blue blanket put over the floor of the boxing ring and flowers as well as little candles were spread all over. At the center of the blanket there were a few books which were later revealed to be photo albums.
I turned to Taehyung, slowly letting go of his hand, "Why?"
For the first time that day, he looked into my eyes and smiled, "Because I want you to hear me out." He climbed the first step of the boxing ring and put out his hand, "Now, will you hear me out?"

Fight Me (BTS Taehyung)
FanfictionPlease don't start reading this, it will leave you heartbroken for sure.