Park YejiDeciding quitting the sweet talk, I angrily walked into the office of Taehyung's mother.
"Yeji, my sweethe-"
"I thought you could handle this?!" I tossed the pictures of Jihye's father on her desk, "I was humiliated because of you!"
"Yeji, let's discuss that calmly my dear!" she approched me, trying to calm me.
"No! I'm not gonna discuss anything! It was always me who approached Taehyung. Either this issue will be solved within one week or I will tell my parents to break the engagement as well as the business partnership!"
Seung Jihye
"Okay, say it."
"You're the best, Joohyuk" I smiled, "Thank you."
But my smile faded the second I started wondering where Yeji might have that information about my father from. Thoughts piled up inside of me and I started becoming skeptical.
"Huh? You're already done complimenting me?" Joohyuk noticed my worried expression.
"Do you think Taehyung told that girl about my father?" I looked up to him.
A little taken aback, he paused for a moment before speaking, "I'm not sure. Do you think he would?"
"I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. That's how confused I am these days."
"Maybe.. maybe you should talk to him? He owes you some answers."
"He definitely does. But I don't really want to see him. I mean I somehow want to see him but everytime I even think of him I just feel so idiotic and naive." I breathed a sigh, "My head hurts, Joohyuk."
"I think it's something else that hurts" he said quietly.
"I don't know where the pain is coming from but it is there everytime he crosses my mind. I feel even more idiotic now that I said all that out loud" my gaze sank to the ground, "What happened to me, Joohyuk? How could I be tricked that badly?"
"I think you need some time for yourself now. You have to collect your thoughts, Jihye" Joohyuk placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a look of commiseration.
"Maybe that's what I need right now. I'll skip afternoon classes and take a little time to think about everything. Thanks Hyukie" I cracked him a little smile.
Being lost in thoughts I didn't even realize how fast I got to my neighborhood.
Approaching our house, I noticed a figure sitting on the doorstep. They stood up as soon as they saw me, revealing their face.
"Jihye" Taehyung ran to my side, "I need to talk to you."
As much as I wanted to hear his deep voice a for a little while more, I needed to organize my thoughts first.
"Please let me pass" I avoided looking at him and tried to make my way through to the frontdoor.
He stopped me by holding on to my crutches "Listen to me first."
"I can't," I raised my gaze and looked into his eyes, "I can't ignore the little bit of pride I still have in front of the boy who tricked me and my heart."
He nodded understandigly "Okay."
"I will wait" he turned around and seated himself on the doorstep again.
"What are you doing, Taehyung?"
"Don't. Waiting is pointless in a situation like this."
"I know you better than you think, Seung Jihye."
He was right, he knew me really well when I knew next to nothing about the boy in front of me. Anger started building up inside of me, thinking about that day. How he was embraced by another girl and how that girl was revealed to be his girlfriend.
Trying not to explode, I made my way past him into the house. "Do whatever you want" I mumbled before shuting the door in front of him.
As soon as I entered, I let go of my bag and crutches and leaned my back against the door I just closed. Breathing a heavy sigh I dropped myself on the ground.
What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to think?
My heart was scattered into pieces the moment Taehyung let go of my hand and took her hand instead. Those pieces were set on fire as soon as he was in her embrace.
With my head full of thoughts like this, a teardrop rolled down silently.
I was hurt.
I could hear Taehyung's voice through the door.
"I hope you'll listen to what I have to say."
I kept quiet.
After a few moments of silence he started mumbling quietly. "Please open your closed heart, dampen my heart" he sang softly, "Please pull me in and hold me tight so I can feel you."
His voice soothed little pieces of my scattered and burning heart.

Fight Me (BTS Taehyung)
FanfictionPlease don't start reading this, it will leave you heartbroken for sure.