Chapter 3

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Janet's POV

When Ana opened the door and I seen Rene on the other side my heart damn there stopped.

Janet: Rene

Rene: Hey Jan um I know its late....

Janet: You damn right its late what are you doing here.

Ana: Yeah Rene what the fuck are you doing here.

Rene: Nice to see you again to Ana. But Janet I need to talk to you.

I pushed pass Ana and looked at him like he was crazy.

Janet: What do we possibly have to talk about at 12 something at night.

He looks at Ana and back at me.

Rene: Its important like really important.

I looked at Ana and asked her to please give us a moment. After she left and went upstairs I let Rene in.

Janet: What do you need Rene.

Rene: Your still as beautiful as ever.

Janet: Stop the bullshit Rene what is it?

Rene: I've been literally going crazy for years now because of how I treated you I couldn't sleep with knowing you are not that far away. I had to come to you and apologize. We were friends dunk we were married.

Janet: Don't remind me. Look I don't know what foolishness you got going on but you could of did this at a decent time. Why are you back here? You need more money or something what the fuck is it.

Rene: No I don't need your money I don't want your money. I'm here visiting someone okay. I just had to see you and apologize I'm not like that anymore. I went and got help.

I actually felt like he was sincere.

Janet: okay rene. Its late so can we take this up another time.

Rene: Um there is something else I want to ask you.

I sighed I knew it was some bullshit. I knew he wanted something.

Janet: I knew you was here for something. What do you want from me Rene.

Rene: Nothing like that I was just wondering can I uh... Can I stay a couple nights here. I've been staying in my car since last night.

I looked at him like he was the scum of the earth. Did he really just ask me that.

Janet: Stay where. Here. Oh No. We not about to do that. I don't know what gave you that crazy idea to even fix your mouth to ask me you know good and well I'm not about to let you stay here.

Then Ana comes down the stairs and looked at me.

Ana: is everything okay.

Janet: yes baby everything is fine.

Rene: Baby?

Janet: Yes Rene me and Ana have been dating for about 3 years now. Where have you been the whole world knows.

He stood there looking back and forth at me and Ana. He was confused I can tell.

Rene: I guess under a rock. Well um I'll get going probably park in an parking lot or something.

I walked him to the door and he opened it and it was pouring rain outside and lighting.

Ana: Why are you staying in a parking lot.

Rene: Um well I have no place to go I asked Janet if I can stay here a couple days but I understand why she said no.

Janet: Why can't you stay with the person you came here for.

I was getting irritated at how he was pouting and acting dramatic. I looked at Ana and knew she was about to say something that was gonna make me mad.

Rene: Its really complicated J

Ana: Why don't you stay here. Its plenty of room we have a guest room you can stay in.

I knew she was going to do that. I looked at her like she was crazy. Now I really wish I would of told Ana the truth about me and Rene history. She wouldn't of been that calm seeing him here.

Janet: Ana I don't think....

Ana: Come on Jan we are not heartless people. Let the man stay a couple nights it's pouring raining out side.

In my head I'm cursing up a storm. I don't give a fuck if it was raining alligators I didn't want him staying in my house. After me and mikes conversation I was suppose to get security for this lunatic now I'm inviting him in my house. I looked at Ana and back at Rene.

Janet: Fine just for a couple nights Rene.

Rene smiled.

Rene: Thanks dunk I promise I'll stay out of your way. I really appreciate this cause you really don't have to do this. Imma go get my bag.

He went out side to his car and grabbed his bag and came back into the house. Me and Ana showed him into the guest bedroom.

Rene: Thanks again ladies I'm very grateful.

Ana: No problem

Janet: Mmh Hmm
Ana's POV

After that we left Rene's room and went to our room. Janet came in and locked the door behind her. I was confused why but didn't ask.

Ana: This is..... Uh interesting

Janet: you Shouldn't of did that Ana.

Ana: Did what? Invite him to stay. For Christ sake Janet its pouring outside. I know you don't have a bad taste in your mouth still after your divorce.

She looked at me and just got into bed.

Janet: Let's not get into it. He's here now so we might as well deal with it. Come on. Come into bed.

She pulled my side of the bed covers over and motioned me to come into the bed. I went to the bed and laid down she cuddled up behind me.

Janet: Wanna finish what we started.

I turned my head and looked at her.

Ana: Are you insane. Not with him in the house.

She smacked her lips and held me tighter.

Ana and Janet dating? Hmm that's crazy. I took out some shorts and put them on. I climb into the bed and got comfortable. I looked at the ceiling and thought. I would love to be a fly on the wall during that session. I laughed at myself. I turned on my side. I didn't want Janet to know the real reason I was here because she would totally freak out. I told the truth I was here to see someone. Our Daughter.

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