chapter 7

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Janet's POV

When we got into the room it was a little quite and then mike spoke up.

Mike: Okay so Rene what's going on.

Rene explained everything and told how Tiffany wanted to meet me. I sat at the desk and put my head in my hand. Then I heard Tiffany speak up.

Tiffany: I'm sorry to cause any problems. I just really wanted to meet you. I use to dream that you actually cared and wanted a relationship with me.

I heard her start to cry as I looked up and see tears started to fall down her eyes. My heart sunk deeper. I got up and went to her and grabbed her hand.

Janet: Listen. I didn't want to give you up. The way everything in my life was set up I couldnt. I wasn't mentally or physically ready to take care of a baby. Neither was Rene.

I felt a tear coming down my eyes.

Tiffany: I understand. I was just hoping that now that I'm older we can start an relationship and actually get to know each other.

I sat and thought. I looked at mike and he had this weird look on his face.

Janet: Uh I just need some time to think. I definitely want to talk to you and get to know you. But I just need time to process all of this. Hope you understand.

Tiffany: of course I do.

She caught me off guard as she hugged me.

Mike: Rene okay we need you here for another week just in case but your not staying here. I'll give you the money and put you up in a hotel.

Rene: That's fine.

We all left out the room as Rene runs up stairs to get his things. I look into the kitchen and seen everyone was gone. I looked and seen Ana stuff was gone too. I hated when she leave and not say anything. Rene got his things and we walked him and tiffany to the door.

Rene: I'm going to take Tiffany to get something to eat and take her home I'll talk to you guys later.

Mike: I'll check you into the hotel and give you the information.

Rene shook his head okay as they got into the car and pulled off. Mike looked back at me.

Mike: What the hell was that.

Janet: I have no clue. Do you think she's my daughter.

Mike: I don't know she has some of the jackson features but its hard to know. That's why I wanted Rene to stay in town because we are gonna find out. I'm gonna head out. You tell Ana everything before it get any worse.

Janet: Okay if I can find her.

We hugged as he left the house. I picked up my phone and called her. She didn't answer so I texted her.
Ana's POV

I looked and seen I had a call from Janet then saw she send a message

Janet: Where are you

I ignored it as i looked up and continue to talk to Tina.

Ana: So what's been going on.

Tina: Nothing much. I seen you and Janet have gotten a little close.

Ana: A lot close

We laughed

Ana: Naw we are great.

Tina: I can say I didn't see that coming.

Ana: I don't think we did either.

Tina: Where is she.

Ana: She's back at home with mike and Rene .

Tina: RENE

I told Tina about how Rene came and ask to stay with us for a little while.

Tina: Wow that's crazy and you okay with it considering he's her ex.

Ana: I'm fine with it as long as he don't try anything stupid.

Tina: Right. So how's Jan with the whole Superbowl stuff.

Ana: She's taking it one day at a time. She has this album to focus on she really has moved passed that. How about you ate you still dancing.

Tina: Of course dancing is my life. I took a break after me and Jan fell out but I'm back teaching classes and things like that.

Ana: Yeah that fall out was hard on all of us.

Tina: Yeah me to. I really miss you guys. What's up with shawnette and everybody.

Ana: aww they just left our house this morning you know it was Gil's birthday so him Shawn and Keely came by last night and we hung out.

Tina: I miss those old times.

We sat and talk for about an hour catching up while I look at my phone once in a while and Janet is blowing me up. Tina ask did I want to come sit in on one of her classes she were teaching down the street and I agreed and we went down there I was there for a couple hours before I knew it, it was passed 6pm. I exchanged numbers with Tina and head home.
Janet's POV

I had been blowing Ana up all day. I was starting to get worried. I even called Shawn and them to see if she went with them but neither of them seen her since they left the house. Just as I was about to call her again she walks through the door I was furious.


Ana: Chill the fuck out Janet. I went to get a smoothie and bumped into a friend.

I could of smacked her when she said that.

Janet: What friend was so damn important that you couldn't call me or reply back to me.

She put her things down and went into the living room and sat on the couch.

Ana: I bumped into Tina and the shop and we talked for a while then she invited me to watch her teach dance class.

I looked at her and thought back to when she told me her and Tina fucked and I instantly got mad.

Janet: Are you kidding me right now you blew me off for TINA. You think that is even the tad bit okay. Because its not.

Ana: Look babe , I'm sorry I was pissed cause you threw me off this morning. There is something serious going on and you were keeping me out the loop. So when you didn't tell me after I asked you I got upset and left to the shop. I honestly didn't know I was gonna bump into Tina and I was wrong for not answering to you.

I was so pissed but I understood why she felt that way.

Janet: There is something I want to tell you. But you have to promise me you won't look at me different or get mad.

She looked concerned.

Ana: Okay I promise what's wrong.
Rene's POV

Rene: Great acting.

Tiffany: I didn't go to performing arts school for nothing baby.

Rene: They really believed you were a teenager and were me and Janet's daughter. Stupid cunts.

We laughed as I pulled up to her house.

Tiffany: Baby why can't I stay with you at that expensive hotel they putting you up in.

I pulled her closer and kissed her lips.

Rene: Baby you know we can't break our cover. The Jacksons can be clueless sometimes but they are not dumb. They got connections. We can't afford to get caught together like that. Not until we get this money from them at least.

She pouted but shook her head in understanding. We kissed one last time as she got out and headed into her apartment I watched her until she was in and drove off. What a successful day.

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