chapter 14

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Janet's POV

I got a call from Tiffany. At first I was pissed and hesitant but something in her voice made me tell her to come over. I was sitting in the living room waiting for her to get here. Ana was upstairs and mike was off looking for Rene. I heard a knock at the back door and got up and looked around the corner to see Tiffany. I walked over and opened the door.

Janet: What the hell. Why did you come to the back door.

Tiffany: Because I have no idea where Rene is.

Janet: Look tell me what's going on.

Tiffany: Look I fucked up okay. I shouldn't have never did this to you. Rene has threaten my life and I was scared of him so I did everything he told me to.

Janet: How do I know this isn't apart of you and Rene scheme.

Tiffany: I promise you it isn't.

I thought maybe I should hear her out. I walked towards the living room and she followed me. I sat on the couch and she sat in the chair on the side.

Tiffany: Look I met Rene a couple years ago back in Miami. I really didn't know who he was. He told me I reminded him of someone he use to know and that's what attracted him to me. When we started to date and moved in with each other he started to get physical and abusive. He threaten me and told me if I ever left him he would kill me and everyone I love I.........

Just then she stopped and I turned around to see Ana coming down the stairs.

Ana: This a joke right.

Janet: Ana chill okay.

Ana: No this bitch has the nerve to come here. Bitch we know everything

Tiffany: Ana I'm sorry. Look I'm trying to explain everything.

Ana: Fuck explaining I'm about to kick your ass.

Ana walked towards tiffany and I quickly grabbed her.

Janet: Baby calm down. Look let's just hear her out please. Just please calm down.

She pulled away from me as she sat on the couch next to me.

Janet: Okay look she was just telling me how she met Rene a couple years back and he abused her and threatened her life. Continue Tiffany.

Tiffany: Well after he had me scared for my life I did everything he said. He came to me one night and told me how he was married to you and that he wants to get you back for all the pain and things he went through. He told me about the child you gave up and how he wish you wouldn't have did that. How he wanted to cut you so deep like you cut him.

I sat there listening to her and I wanted to kill Rene. All of this was way to much for me.

Janet: So how did the plan to come back and con me happen.

Tiffany: Rene knew that if the child you gave away come back up and you start to get close. There was a chance you would give up money. I didn't want to do it because I'm truly a fan of yours like since good times and......

Ana: Okay bitch enough with the fan girl shit get back on track.

I gave ana a look and she shrugged her shoulders.

Tiffany: well since he said I could pass off as a teenager that I can play the daughter role. I was in acting school at the time so he thought it'll be perfect. My mother lives here but she's been on a cruise with her boyfriend so I knew her house would be empty. He also saw the whole Superbowl incident and knew you would be vulnerable so he thought this would be a perfect time to do it. I didn't want to sabotage you guys relationship y'all are beautiful together but he threatened me and I was scared. Rene also got into it with some puerto ricans back in Miami so I think thats what he needed the money most for. I'm sorry for everything im truly am. I just don't want to die.

I took a deep breath and stood up. I walked over to tiffany and smacked the shit out of her. She was surprised and so was I.

Ana: That weak ass slap. This bitch almost came in between us and could of conned you out of money. She should of been said something. Now all of a sudden Rene out here trying to kill her she wanna play the victim. She need more than a slap.

Ana walked over and punched tiffany dead in the face. I grabbed Ana before she did anything else and pushed her on the couch.

Janet: Ana chill. I agree with you.
But I'm not about to let Rene kill her.

Tiffany sat on the chair holding her face crying.

Tiffany: Look I deserve all of that. I don't care y'all can hit me all night just please help me.

Ana: You a stupid bi.....

Janet: Ana what I say.

She smacked her lips and got up and went into the kitchen mumbling under her breath. I turned and looked back at tiffany.

Janet: Look I'll help you. Just cause I don't want no one getting killed. But that's the only reason.

Tiffany shook her head. I grabbed my phone and called Michael. Ana walked back into the living room with an ice pack and a towel she threw it at tiffany.

Ana: Here you might need this.

Michael finally picked up.

Mike: wassup dunk. I'm still looking for him.

Janet: Okay um something happened. Tiffany here.

Mike: What the fuck? You beat her ass.

Janet: Not really. Look we gonna come to the ranch. I think it'll be better if we there. With all the security. We will tell you everything then.

Mike: Yeah come on I'll see you guys in a minute.
Rene POV

I got to tiffany house and my blood was boiling. I couldn't think straight I just knew she was dead. I banged on the door.

Rene: Tiffany!!!! Open this fucking door before I break it.

I didn't hear not a sound. I kicked in the door and look through the whole house. She wasn't there. My phone then started to ring. I seen my buddy chaz name pop up on the caller i.d.

Rene: Hello

Chaz: Rene you get the money.

Rene: No that bitch Tiffany fucked it up.

Chaz: I told you not let her in. Montez is gonna kill us both.

Rene: No he's not because imma still get my money from that bitch Janet. Right after I kill tiffany. I got a plan. Meet me in long beach in an hour.

Chaz: Okay see you then.

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