chapter 21

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3 Years later.....

Janet POV

Three years had past since the whole Fiasco with Rene. Ana and I had been using a donor trying to have a baby since then but it never worked. I started to feel like it was me and I couldn't get pregnant maybe I was to old but we kept trying. I had just starred in my third film Tyler Perry why did I get married and Ana started her modeling career. Life was good. I was laying in bed watching TV. I got a call on my phone and saw it was my baby. She was out of town shooting for a magazine.

Janet: Hey baby I miss you.

Ana: I miss you too what are you doing.

Janet: Laying in bed watching TV thinking about you.

Ana: Oh really. What you thinking?

I knew where this was going so I laid on my back.

Janet: Just all of the things I'm going to do to you when you get back home.

Ana: Mmh. Details baby details

Just then I felt a weird feeling in my stomach and I shot up and ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up viciously. When I was done I went to the sink brushed my teeth and washed my face. I remembered Ana was on the phone and ran back to her.

Ana: Baby! Janet! Janet!

Janet: Baby I'm sorry. I was throwing up I've  been feeling sick lately.

Ana: Are you okay. You need me to call mike to come over.

Janet: No I'm fine. Plus you'll be home tomorrow anyways. It's probably something I ate.

Ana: Are you sure? You need to go in to the doctors as soon as possible Janet it could be something serious like a virus or something.

Janet: I have an appointment in the morning.

Ana: Okay well get some rest. We will continue this tomorrow in person. I love you.

Janet: I love you too baby.

We hung up and I laid back in bed. Soon as I got comfortable I shot back up again running back to the bathroom.

The next morning I got up and showered and got dressed and threw on a hat and sweat pants and sweatshirt. I called joey and told him I was ready to head to my appointment

 I called joey and told him I was ready to head to my appointment

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He and my driver picked me up and we headed to my appointment. I was sure I was sick with a flu or something because of all the traveling I been doing promoting this movie. When we made it to my doctors office I went in and sat in the room. My doctor finally came in a gave me a smile.

Doctor: Janet so good to see you again. How's Ana?

Janet: Good to see you too and she's very well thank you for asking. 

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