Chapter 10

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(A\N: Got bored and my thoughts started rolling so here's another chapter)

Janet's POV

On the plane ride to New York it was silent. Ana sat in the seat next to me fast asleep. Tiffany sat in the seat across from me looking out the window as the sun was setting. I turned to look out the window.

Janet: Its beautiful isn't it.

Tiffany: Very! I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for inviting me on this trip again.

Janet: No problem. I thought it be good for us you know.

She looked at me and smiled and turned her head back out the window.

Janet: So um.... You and Rene seem
really close.

Tiffany: ("clearing her throat') Yeah well after my father well my adoptive father passed he was the only father figure in my life.

Janet: and your mother you guys still talk?

Tiffany: Yes I stay with her.

Janet: Oh well when we get back I have to meet her.

Tiffany: Uh um..... Well she's been really sick so we'll see how she feeling.

I squinted my eyes as I noticed how nervous she got out of no where. She started fiddling with her finger nails. Something I use to do. I ignored it as I just turned my head out the window again and slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up from joey letting me know we were going to land soon. I tapped Ana who was still sleep. The plane landed and we headed in the SUV truck to my place in New York. We arrived as we got into the place. Joey stayed in one guest room and I showed tiffany to the other guest room. After that me and Ana went into our room and got situated.

Janet: Babe you look kind of pale and sick you okay.

Ana: I'm fine just a little stomach ache. I'm going to lay Down.

She took off her clothes and put on sweat pants and a T-shirt. She got into bed and I walked over to her and sat next to her. I kissed her forehead.

Janet: Do you need anything?

Ana: No I'll be fine.

Janet: Well did you want something to eat? You haven't ate since earlier.

Ana: No I'm just gonna sleep.

Janet: Okay. Well I'm going to take tiffany out for dinner and joey. So just call if you need anything.

Ana: Okay.

I gave her a kiss as and started pecking her on her cheeks and neck messing with her.

Ana:("laughing") okay okay stop.

She grabbed my face and kissed my lips.

Ana: Hurry back so I can cuddle under you.

Janet: Okay you big baby.

I got up and left out the room door and closed it and walked down the hall to tiffany room. I knocked on the door and heard her voice say come in.

Janet: We are going to get something to eat.

Tiffany: Okay.

She got up and I got Joey and we all got back into the truck and drove around to find somewhere low key to eat. We found a restaurant and went in the owner greeted me as he sat us in a private area. We made conversation and talked until the end of dinner. We headed back to the apartment.

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