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I wake up next to Carson. I have done this only once before. Yesterday. Yesterday we finished moving. Yesterday, I fell asleep next to Carson. I love him. I love him. I love him.

I walk I do the kitchen wearing my pajamas. I cook some jell and bacon. Jell isn't my favorite, but I know Carson likes it.

While I cook the breakfast, I mentally plan my day:

Go to counsel to register Carson and I
(That's going to take all day!)
Register the Machine to our house
Fall asleep next to-

"Carson!" I squeal as I feel a pair of arms rap around me. He smiles, and then let's go. I have to let the push the sadness away, I want to stay in his arms all day, but we have things to do.

We eat breakfast with small talk. Neither of us bringing up the meeting we have with the counsel today. As we finish Carson speaks, "I will help clean up, then we can go get ready."

"Thanks." I smile, then the thought comes to mind. Kids. "Carson?" I ask.


"What are we going to say about the kids?" I ask, I am starting to freak out.

"We will say what we want to. We can discuss it now if you want?" Carson suggests, embracing me in a hug. He can tell I am nervous.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry for freaking out. I don't now why I am so nervous. I am sor-"

"Stop. Stop saying sorry," he says sweetly, "I know, I am freaked out too, we waited our whole lives for this, and now boom! Everything has to go so fast. Kids on the way within the year, for us is only three months, because of the date we found each other. We just moved. And today we are going to register." He understands me.

"You would think the system would slow things down, especially since we are supposed to fall hopes sly in love." I think out load.

"I am already hopelessly in love, I will love you forever. Always have. Always will." I love him. He knows just what I want to hear.

"Always will," I reply, "I promise."


As we walk to the counsel office, I review the things we discussed. We discussed everything. Everything.

We pass the purple lilac bush on the way to the counsel. "Aren't those pretty?" I ask Carson.

"Yeah, we should plant some by our compact," I like Carson's thought. They would look pretty with mint color of the compact.

I count unit to walk hand in hand with Carson. We finally walk through the doors of the counsel. I sign a few papers and then we sit down and wait.
And wait...
And wait....

The door creeks, and the head of a boy pops out, "we are ready for you now." The boy says in a small voice. Carson and I stand up and walk to the room in unison.

"Welcome!" A giddy women says. She is part of the counsel. There is a man and another women as well, "I see you are whole now, so, we need to go through a few things. This will be a very short meeting."

Carson and I just nod our heads. The man pipes up this time, "First things first, when is your preferred date to begin a family. Within this year of course." I swallow.

I look at Carson, " we were thinking soon." Carson says. He smiles. He wants a family. Yay!

The short man smiles quickly, "Your appointment will be tomorrow," he says. When Carson said soon I didn't think tomorrow. That is definitely soon.

"So, will I just get the injection?" I ask. To save time, the system decided to give women injections of healthy babies. Instead of the...other way. I think it is kind of sick. They take the genes of me and Carson and make a baby. Tomorrow I will be pregnant. Stuff moves fast once you find your other half. I guess that is one of the cons of finding your other half right away...


I stand in front of the machine at Carson and mine's compact. The machine goes through the message it normally does. And then the question I finally have to respond too, "Would you like to report anything?" The woman asks. Carson already reported his, so I just copy what he said.

"Yes," I say, "I have found my other half, Carson Jacob Oconner," I have never said his full name before. It sounds funny coming out of my mouth.

The machine responds, "Thank you, you may insert your card." I insert my card.

Carson and I walk into the compact, "Nervous?" He asks.

"Hm? I guess so. I don't know," I take a deep breath, "yeah I am. I really am. I mean what if something happens." I question myself. I overthink things. I always have. I am not very strong.

Carson gives me a look, "I am nervous too, but I am obviously not getting the injection, so you have every right to be nervous," I laugh, "I honestly would be worried if you weren't nervous. Especially for something like this." He finishes, I feel a little better. But I am still nervous.

I make dinner with Carson and then I head to bed. The counsel said to get a lot of rest before I start my term. The term is when I have a baby in me. They "improved" it so that the baby develops faster than it used to. It used to take nine months, now it takes two weeks. Because of the efficient time period there are side effects. Throwing up, a lot. Discomfort from the growing bump in your stomach. And tiredness.i have to prepare for this in one night. One night.

That's why I am nervous.
Okay! That was a really hard chapter to write, sorry I haven't updated for like ever. I don't even know why I do these notes. No one reads them.....

Also so the book seems really perfect for the characters, but in a little that is going to change! Give me like a few chapters....

Lastly, but definitely not least, shout out to Amewilson ! She followed me! Yay! Shout out to my other follower too, paigegymnast88
Yeah yeah yeah I only. Have two but, look, this is my first book....


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