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I am nervous to turn seventeen. I should be excited, but what if I can't find them? What if my other half doesn't even exist? The System says that is impossible, that they 'make sure everyone is with the right person', everyone will find their other half. Eventually.

When I was younger, my friends, Carson and Carlin, and I would try to find our other half. We would run around our Compacts' roads. Searching our one floor buildings, the one bedroom, kitchen, common room and bathroom. Anywhere, we would look in our own home. Now I'm terrified. I don't think someone is even out there for me. I️ don't know if I️ want someone out there for me. Carson, Carlin and I would dream about our other half. Now I'm only petrified. Terrified. Afraid.
Carson and Carlin are brother and sister, Carlin being one year younger than Carson. Carson and Carlin are like my siblings. We live right next to each other and I don't have any siblings so I spend most of my time with them. Anyways, since they were sister and brother they would dream about having related halves. While they would think about that, I would daydream that it was going to be someone who was strong, kind. Someone who cared about me. Someone who wanted me. I would just lye on the prickly grass and dream. Dream about my life and what I wanted. Dream about who they were.

Maybe I would find them when they rescued me from a burning building. Or, maybe I would dance with a stranger and there, standing on the beautiful wood floor, my necklace would heat up, their's too. And they would be my perfect dream. They would make me a perfect whole.

Dreaming was wrong of me. I was warned about dreaming and its false hope, I shouldn't have, but I did. I can't change that now.

As we got older we went to EDU together, all anticipating the day we would turn seventeen. That was eleven months ago for Carson. When he turned Seventeen his necklace turned hot, hot, hot! He was so excited, I could see the joy in his eyes. Carlin and me were too. He searched around town for the longest times, coming to the compacts with no luck. He just couldn't find his other half, though his necklace stayed warm. It had to have been someone located nearby, but who knows. All I see in his eyes is a longing for something. Someone.

Some thought the System made a mistake, but we all knew that was a silly thought.

Close to being done with editing this chapter. Please tell me what I should fix if there is anything you see. Thanks! Here is the note from a while ago:

Thanks so much for reading this far! Sorry my chapters are so short! They do/ will get longer! Who do you think Carson's other half is?

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