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I get situated in my plane seat. I can feel Carlin moving around in the seat next to me. Yay! I avoided Burk.

"The plane doors are going to close in five minutes. Please buckle your seatbelt," the voice over the plane speaker says. As I buckle my seat belt, I can see someone running onto the plane. Burk. Please tell me he isn't sitting in the seat next to me. Please.

But, of course, just to my luck, "Oh, well, hi. Thought you could avoid me huh? Didn't work did it?" Burl chuckles. I just glare at him.

Carlin takes out her head phones, "Hi, I'm Carlin. Her sister in law. And best friend. I am trying to find my other half, and I am Carson's sis-" I cut her off. Why would she tell a stranger her life's story?

"Carlin?! He doesn't need to know your life story. Not to be rude or anything..." I feel rude.

"Oops!" Carlin says with a giant smile, "I guess I am just anxious to get to Oregon."

The plane starts to move rounding a turn on the runway. It reaches the straight away and pauses. The lady's voice speaks through the plane, "Welcome to System Airlines. We will be arriving in Oregon in around five hours. There is no layover flight. Please, turn your seats to face the isle, as this is the safest way to travel. Thank you and enjoy your flight." The plane has two long rows of seats on each side of the plane. The seats face away from the walls and twirls the center. It didn't used to be like this, but then again, a lot of things didn't used to be like they are now.

I watch as the plane speeds up and the wheels disconnect from the ground. The buildings get smaller and smaller. Until there is nothing but clouds in sight.


This is not the best chapter....
Sorry for not writing for so long! I have been out of town. Also, sorry for such a short chapter. But I am working on one right now. So I needed this to be a transition chapter! Thanks for reading! There will be and update very soon!


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