A Family Divided (part two)

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I know it’s kind of a weak thing to do but I passed out. I woke up on a bench at the police station. My head was on someone’s lap so I called Salem’s name. I didn’t hear an answer so I looked up at him. I jumped in surprise when I realised it wasn’t Salem. I jumped so far that I almost fell off of the bench. I sat next to the man with wide eyes. “Who are you?”, I asked. Why is this man dressed up in a police station? Does he work here?“I'm not a full man yet in my opinion and my name is Calvor Zulvo. I’m wearing the suit because it's sexy. Don't you think so… I didn't catch your name.”, he said. I can't believe he heard me say that. I raised my eyebrows but introduced myself anyway.

              I looked at his hands and saw he wore handcuffs. I asked why he was arrested and he told me he was causing trouble at his father’s luncheon. As he talked to me I took in his image. He had black hair, honey brown eyes, and this beautiful smile accompanied with deep dimples. When I looked at how his caramel skin glowed next to his all white suit that was brought out by his black dress shirt.

              I was then hit with the sudden realization that my head was in his lap when I woke up. “So are you some kind of pervert or something?”, I thought out loud. He look slightly taken aback as his smile faltered. “You put your head in my lap. Are you some kind of whore or something? Is that why you're here?”, he shot back. “No I'm not. I'm here because of...Salem! I'm sorry I need to go! Nice meeting you.”, I yelled as I jumped up. “You too.”, he said as I turned to walk away.

              Two steps later I bumped into a man who seemed only 24. “Oh you're awake. I'm officer Graham. You can just call me Ted if you like. Your brother is in holding at the moment but your father just paid his bail.”, he said looking down at me. I felt my heart clench. My father hated us. Why would he bail Salem out? “Is he here?”, I asked feeling my heart race faster with each word. “Yes. I was coming to bring you to him.”, his words completely terrified me. I felt scared but I masked any sign of it. “Thanks Teddy.”, I watched him attempt to hold in a smile when I said that.

              We walked through the building and I felt the eyes of strangers on me. It made me shiver. He stopped at a door and placed his hand on the knob. He slowly opened it and I muttered a low thank you before stepping through the door. I laid eyes on my father and I prepared myself for the worst. He looked up at me and smiled. He's playing dad today.

              The officers were blind to what he really feels about me. About us. When the officer left, so did the smile. He approached me slowly with his wicked smile in place. Just as he raised his hand an officer brings Salem into the room.

                My father quickly hugs me when he sees the officer, his facade quickly replaced his true attitude. When he let go, I ran over to Salem and hugged him. When Salem and I were 10, we were split up. Our parents divorced so our mother could only take care of one of us and my uncle Sal offered to take care of Salem until she got back on her feet. We hadn't seen each other for two years and it was hard.

              After being reunited we

promised to never leave each other again no matter what. When our mother first died, we lived with our father. He abused Salem for a while. It only ended when he began to talk about how I always acted like a bitch and hit me. That was the night that Salem punched our father in the face.


            Salem didn't tell me about the beatings until that night. I was so mad at him that I backhanded him in the face and didn't talk to him for a week. The day after Salem punched him, our dad sent us to our uncle Sal’s house while he was putting us into Brimstone Arcs, the boarding high school that we attended. Uncle Sal didn't believe what we told him about our father so we were sent away without a second thought and we haven't seen our father up until now. Ever since then I vowed to never let Salem get hurt because of me.

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