Shocking Discovery

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        I saw a figure a little stretch away and ran up to it with my sword ready, but as I closed in I could the figure out to be Sera. I was wondering what she was even doing in a place like this so I approached her cautiously but it looked like she was crying. I retracted my sword into my headpiece but kept the Magma Aegis. I asked her what’s wrong and that’s when she told me everything. “Sozin. I am sorry for trying to kill you. I don't actually have a choice in the matter. You see, I have devoted my life to Anasi. She made a contract with me when I was younger. My story is pretty simple. I was born in a village full of humans. My village wasn’t small, but it wasn’t large either. It was hidden in a basin in the center of a vast landscape. There were many trees and our harvest was always bountiful. We were a peaceful village until that bitch came and ruined everything. Her name was Freiya. She was the first fairy we had seen. On the day that she came my mother was help the other farmers bring in the harvest while my father was working in the bakery. I was nine at the time so I was with the teacher and my classmates. In our town the only thing we had to learn was how to farm, bake, scavenge or craft.  My teacher decided to split up the class into four groups since we would have to start working at 16 years of age. My younger sister Analieze was in the bakery with my father. I was out with the scavenger group to look for food sources materials we could use. It was extremely hot outside and I began to sweat a lot. I had four classmates with my scouting group. Their names were Lucian, Ren, Serena and Sedt. We were shadowing a man who was the head scavenger for our town. His name was Mr. Donovan. He led us away from the town to a little creek. There was a hog drinking from it. He was explaining to us how we were supposed to kill it. We listened and he was going to demonstrate for us. He approached the hog but soon there was a flash of light and the ground shook. I lost my balance. I was about to topple over, but Serena caught me. I thanked her and we all headed back towards the village. When we made it back, half of the village was destroyed. In the center of all the chaos stood Freiya. She was simply astonishing. She had large wings that  had a natural glisten to them. She was also extremely terrifying. She was... feasting on my people. She didn't seem to care whether they were child or adult. She rampaged all over. She tore through buildings and the people within them. Many people were attempting to fight her but were slain instantly. She was not alone. Beside her stood a large creature with two scorpion tails. It walked on four pointed legs but also had two arms. Its head was mostly flat and it only had a nose and a mouth. It was devouring people within seconds. It moved extremely fast and they both made haste in taking out the village. We didn't need many actual weapons because we had no troubles until she came. However, there were some in the blacksmith shop basement. That was where Mr. Donovan was leading us. I knew that I needed to find my sister so split from the group. I ran towards the bakery and I saw that it had been flattened. Beneath some of the beams I saw my father's body along with the children from my sister's group. I was shocked. So shocked that I couldn't cry. I had to find my sister. I ran home since it was the only place I could think to look at the time. I made it to my house in time to see Freiya breaking through our door. I knew that Analieze was in there. I ran in the house blindly and I saw a young boy protecting her. It was Remi Solare. He was Mr. Donovan's son. He was using a broomstick to fight her off and I must admit he was pretty good back then. Freiya grabbed the stick and it immediately broke. She was extremely strong. She then knocked Remi across the room with one punch. Ana ran over to him and tried to help him up. Freiya attempted to grab her, but she screamed. A huge amount of light filled the room. I was blinded and couldn't see anything. When the light went away I saw that Freiya was screaming in pain. Her arm was burned off by the light. I took this opportunity to help Remi up and run out with both him and Ana with me. We only made it a little ways before we ran into the scorpion creature. He bumped into us which made us fall down. He was about to reach for us when Mr. Donovan came out with a double bladed sphere. He used it to fend off the creature. I saw the others come over to us with weapons as well. Lucian had a harvesting scythe, Ren had a sword that was obviously too heavy for him, Serena had two thin bladed swords and Sedt had three small knives in one hand. Serena helped me up and gave me a mace with a chain connecting it. I helped Analieze and Remi to stand up. We heard Mr. Donovan scream and we looked over to see that the creature had devoured him. Remi cried out in horror, but the look in his eyes was pure rage. He ran to grab his father's spear. He started to jab at the large creature but it was to no avail. It grabbed him with its claws and was about to eat him. Almost too late, Ren threw the large sword he had and it went directly into the creature's chest. It cried out in pain and dropped Remi. He fell with a whimper and stood up. He grabbed the spear again. This time, he spoke. The first words that I had heard since we heard the boom. “We need to work together. If we don't, we'll die. We owe it to everyone who died today. Our classmates, our teachers and our parents. I know that we can do it if we work together. We aren't normal. We can do things that the other people couldn't. We have to use that to win this fight. Just do whatever you can and maybe they'll work. We may be young, but we're all that's left of the village. We can't die so you guys better stay alive.”, He told us. We looked at each other with assurance. We were the remnants of our village. We were the last hope. The creature pulled the sword from its chest and dropped it on the ground. It then charged at us. We all moved out of the way before it could get any of us. Serena used her swords to cut off one of the creature's arms before it could grab Ana. Serena's eyes began to glow a scarlet color when she was done. Her long black hair moved gracefully in the wind. I knew that we were always avoided by other kids in our class. We never talked to each other though. We were all loners in our own way. We distanced ourselves from everyone in fear of rejection. Who could've known that we had so much in common. I heard my name being called and I shook myself out of my thoughts. I saw that the beast was reaching for me. I closed my eyes and jumped backwards. I opened them and saw that he missed me.  I then ran up his arm and used the mace to bash his head. It was a lot stronger than I had expected and I was shocked to see him lose his footing. He fell onto the ground and I fell down a little ways from him. I dropped the mace and watched it slide across the ground. Remi and Lucian took advantage of this and took jabs at the creature. Their attacks seemed to be pointless because the creature was up in an instant and ran directly at me. It used it's good arm to grab me, but Ana stood in front of me. She closed her eyes and said something strange, “Harmonious Exivus: Archangel’s Fury.” She started to glow a bright white light. She floated into the air slowly and her light only grew brighter. She suddenly stopped and it seemed as if everything ceased to move. There was no sound. It was completely silent until the creature used its hand to stab her through the abdomen. She let out a cry and there was an extremely bright flash of light. When the light faded I saw Ana. She wasn't...Human anymore. She was made of what appeared to be white fire held together by a strong barrier of gas. I barely recognized her. She still had her same body size and build which was really the only way I could. The fire and gas were constantly in motion. She looked at me and then at the beast. Her eyes began to glow brighter than the rest of her body. She grabbed the beast’s arm and burned it perfectly so it fell off. The creature fell down and its arm snapped off. Ana fell and landed on her back. She pulled the hand directly out of her abdomen and stood up. She looked at the creature and a huge circle with a weird symbol started glowing on the ground under her. She moved her right hand behind her so a sword materialized in her palm. It had a long thick blade. She went into a squatting position and the circle started to spin and glow. The creature began to run at her after it got up. She held this position until it was extremely close. She then yelled,“Etaitini!” She shot up extremely high into the air with immense force. When she was up there, a huge pair of wings shot out of her back. She stayed in place and her body was slowly covered in gold. It seemed to be liquid at first. It started at the tips of her wings and went down until it completely covered her. When it solidified, she looked down at the beast. A circle appeared above her head and she flipped upside down to stand on it. It faced directly at the creature. She squatted again and it shot her directly at the creature. She used the sword to stab the creature in its back. It let out a cry and she removed the sword. She then jumped onto its head from its back. She held the sword facing downwards. It began to glow and shake extremely fast. She raised it high above her head. When she brought it down onto the creature’s head. The sword poked through the bottom of its head and Ana quickly snatched the sword out of it. The creature’s body fell and hit the ground. Ana stood on the beast's carcass and held her sword high in the air. The gold slowly melted off of her and she fell down. The sword dropped and pierced the ground next to her. I ran to her and attempted to hold her. When I touched her, I was burned. I thought she would return to normal, but she didn't. She had instead started to get darker. The light within her was quickly dimming. The others ran over to us and looked at Ana. “What's going on?”, Serena asked. “I think she's dying.”, I replied. “She doesn't have to.”, A mysterious voice said. I turned to see the fairy who attempted to kill Ana earlier. Freiya was still hurt from our last encounter. “What do you want?”, I asked. “I will help her on two conditions. Firstly, one of you must help me to amend my arm. I can sense that one of you is a healer. You must also become my underlings and follow my every order. If you don't then she will die immediately.”, A cocky grin grew on her face. “No thanks.”, I said. “Huh? You little brat I oughta kill you right now!”, She yelled shocked. “But you won't. You obviously need us for something so we'll help after you help Ana.”, I plainly stated. I looked to see if the others were okay with me saying this and they nodded. “Okay. Fine kid, you win. I'll help the girl, but after that I'll put you guys to work.”, She said with a grin. She walked over to where Ana's sword was and plucked it out of the ground. She then mumbled something and it started to change forms. It became a golden wreath crown that shimmered in the light of the sun. It was beautiful and had the full leaf-like design etched in from front to back. It was still somewhat thin and it glowed as it floated in between Freiya’s hands. She grabbed it and walked over to Ana whose body had begun floating. She placed the crown on her head and Ana's body changed back to normal. I saw that the hole in her abdomen was gone. I ran over to her with relief flowing through me. I had her in my arms and her eyes slowly opened. She smiled when she saw me and I grinned back at her. I was glad I hadn't lost her. “She's a Solis. They're basically beings who come from stars. Until now, Ana's Solis spirit had laid dormant within her. There are two ways a Solis spirit can be awakened. Through either a pain reaction or through a dirty deed.”, She explained. “We know what sex is dumbass.”, Remi said. She smacked him in the back of his head. “You need to learn respect you brat. I'm gonna train you first.”, She said. There was a moment of silence. “ I am the Crimson Fairy Freiya. What are your names children?”, She asked. We each introduced ourselves. “Alright. Enough with the small talk. You seven survived the attack of my Korougutzeschi.”, She said. All of our faces changed in confusion. “Ugh. The scorpion monster. From this day forth I will be your master. I will train you until you can defeat me. I won't stop until either you die from exhaustion or if I die at your hands. When I'm dead I want you all to find your places under someone with great power. Don't forget the people you are with right now. They are your family.”, She said. After that day we found out that Sedt could heal people, Remi could do magic, Lucian was a necromancer, Ren could bring anything to life, Serena was a mimic, Ana could turn invisible and I was a fairy like Freiya. She said that's she found us. She never told us why she destroyed our village. She only said that it was key to our survival. We discovered ourselves a lot, but Freiya stayed on us hard about training. She trained us for two years and I was finally fifteen. Ana was finally twelve and we were better than ever. We all loved in our old house. It was the only one still standing. We were all asleep one night when we heard a loud scream come from outside. When we made it outside we saw a spider lady. She dropped Freiya's headless body onto the ground and licked her lips. There were three other women there as well. One of them wore armor and had an extremely long sword. Her name was Alayne. Another wore a black cloak that hid her face. Her name was Selin. The last one had red hair and a strange flaming bird sat on her shoulder. She was Simmer. The spider lady introduced herself as Anasi. She then spoke to us. “Freiya was my servant. I sent her to destroy you because I believed that you posed a threat. A fae with the ability to see the deaths of those she touches informed us that a child would be our end. We sent our servants out to kill Instead she decided to play mother and teach you new tricks. She ran away from her duties so I cancelled our contract. Terminating a contract results in death. My sisters and I are in need of some new blood amongst our ranks. I shall take you two.”, she said looking at Remi and I. I looked for Ana, but I couldn't see her. I heard her voice in my ear telling me everything would be alright. I believed that she was invisible. We went with Anasi without a fight and told the others to do so also. We vowed we would see each other again. Since then we've been apart. Ana and Remi are all that remain of who I love. My family. Anasi found out about Ana and had Selin place chains on her so she couldn't leave the arena. She is still trapped here. She wants to kill the one who caused our parents to be killed.  Do you want to know who I am Solis? I am Venora The Enchantress. The more that you fight the harder you will succumb to my power. Prepare for your inevitable demise.", She said. I could hear chains rattling in behind her. I looked past her to see a girl bound by chains of darkness. She had black hair like Venora or should I call her Sera? I felt drastically confused. I guessed that the girl's name was Analieze. She wore the golden wreath crown upon her head. I had to admit that she was beautiful. She began to walk forward slowly. She stood at Sera's side for a moment. Suddenly there was a red flash of lightning. After that the sisters  both charged at me with their weapons drawn. I knew I was in deep shit.

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