A Glimpse Of The Truth

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         I awoke in a room full of white. I was scared at first, but soon calmed down. It's my room. I'm at home. I should see what brother Remi and sister Sera are up to. Even though they aren't my siblings by blood, I consider them to be. We've been through a lot together and I love them wholly. I don't know anything about where I came from. All I know is that mother Anasi saved me from some horrible people. She gave me a home and I get food daily. I rose out of bed to go find Sera and Remi. I walked past Mother's door. According to Sera, Mother has a highly contagious disease that makes it impossible for us to see her. She said that we'll die if we enter that room. Besides that, we're an ordinary family.

         I walked down the hall and heard noise coming from the dining room. While walking into the dining room, I noticed that Sera and Remi were eating at the table. “Good morning Sozin”, Remi said. I nodded and smiled at him.

After eating breakfast, the rest of my day was pretty boring. I did spend time with Remi and Sera who argued all day. And the day after and so on. Besides that, I was bored. I felt weird when I was around them. It's as if something's different. I don't feel like I belong with Sera, Remi and Anasi. When I think about it I don't really know too much about myself. I don't have a favorite food or color. It seemed odd to me. I planned to leave that night in order to find out who I am.

         I pretended to sleep until I was sure that Sera and Remi were in deep slumber. I slowly crept out of bed to the door and opened it. I stood there and listened. A couple of minutes later I knew it was safe. I walked down the hallway, but saw a light coming from Anasi’s room. I moved to peer in quietly. I then saw Sera talking to a woman lying on a large spider web. “Yes Anasi. I understand. I just didn't wish to kill him. He could prove useful if I just manipu…”, Sera was cut off by Anasi. “No matter how much you manipulate him, he will still break through. That is why he must die. Sozin is meant to kill My sisters and I. It would benefit us all if he were to be eliminated. If you won't do it then tell Remi to do it.”, She said. “Remi won't do it. He is actually attached to Sozin. I'll do it, but you know I hate death.”, Sera replied. Anasi smiled largely and I ran as quickly and quietly as possible.

          In what seemed like seconds, these dirty looking men had me surrounded. They carried an array of weapons with them. I thought it was over for me. I then saw Sera through the crowd of people. “These are members of Anasi's army. They are dwarves, a vicious species of shorter than average people who kill out of bloodlust. It is in no way personal Sozin. It's strictly business.”, She spoke. “Kill him.”, With that she walked away. A man ran at me with two axes. I put my hands up in defense and two blades appeared in them. They were attached to a long chain in the middle. I gripped them and blocked the man's attack. I held the blades in place against the man's strength. I pushed with all of my might and he flew backwards. Five of them were coming at me now with maces, axes, swords and shields. I didn't really want to fight anyone. I especially don't want to kill them. However, what choice was there? I attacked by instinct and I used the weapon as if I had been wielding it since I was a child. I slid under one of the man’s legs and used the blades to take out his legs. He fell to the ground yelling. Two men came at once and I used this to my advantage. one had a sword and shield and the other held a mace. I ran directly in between them and used my blades to fend off their attacks. I noticed that the man with the sword was going for a direct jab at me so I dropped to dodge it. He stabbed the one with the mace. When the man with the sword removed it from his friend's chest, he was extremely angry. He ran at me with his sword drawn. I fought him with ease and I barely broke a sweat. I felt a warmth within me that began to grow as I fought. I swung low with my blades to take out his legs. He fell to the ground as well. They charged me in a large mas. I started eliminating them one by one. The heat began to get hotter and I felt wonderful. I had to have immobilised 20 of them. “Stop! Dwarves retreat!”, I heard Sera yell. “I'll handle it myself.”, She said.

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