A Kingdom Destroyed (part 2)

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Darkness always seemed to draw us back together. It had been four years since I’d seen him I shoot up out of my bed dripping sweat.alive. Since I’d seen them both alive.

“Why are you here, in the woods alone my child?”


His voice was stuck in my head. Haunting me and never giving me a moment of peace. To others I’d be deemed crazy, but there are no others just me.

“You’ll never amount to anything in life.”

“You’re just a waste of space.”

“No one needs you.”

“It’d be better if you were dead.”

“Who’s there?! Who said that?!” I cry out. Oh wait it was also nobody. Just more voices in my head.

     I fall back on my onto my makeshift bed of twigs and leaves and fall into a dreamless sleep.

    The sun finally peeked through the trees that surrounded me, taunting me, telling me it is time for yet another uneventful day. I swiftly rose up and pushed away the twigs and leaves that surrounded me.

    I gathered my bow and arrows and corrected my appearance. It was time for breakfast.

    Golden leaves rustle in the autumn breeze. I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I turn around and look, when suddenly I see it. Struggling on the ground there it lays, a wolf. It lays motionless on the ground whimpering in pain. I approached it carefully, barely breathing. The wolf's massive body tensed as I got closer. I crouch down cautiously so I can get a better look. And that’s when I see it the metal monster clamped around his foot. The magnificent beast howled in agony. I stroked his fur and looked into his mesmerizing eyes.

      Just like that it felt like someone had knocked all the air from my lungs.

      I was born on a cold and bitter winter night. The Kingdom of Revendelle was anticipating my arrival. But sadly a life was given that night and another was taken. My mother, Mistale Virion, was very ill throughout the pregnancy and the illness had finally taken it’s toll on her after my birth.Remorse soon swept through the kingdom. The villagers had not seen me, their newly born princess, as a gift but as a curse. Growing up I had no companions I was blamed for my mother's death so I was avoided by everyone.The only one who truly cared for me was my father, Eldgar Virion, but soon even the love of that one was not enough. I remember walking through the kingdom one day, getting my usual looks of disgust, I continued walking and I rounded the corner just to ambushed by a group of boys.

“You fucking disgusting waste of space. No one fucking likes you. You will never amount to anything in life. You’d be better off fucking dead!” One of them screamed at me.

I started to sink down and cry. One of them stormed over to me and yanked me up by the collar of my shirt.

   “Don’t cry now you dirty little whore!” He screamed.

I started struggling to get him off of me.

“Get off of me. Let me go.” I whimpered.

He threw me to the ground with so much force my back ached and that is when him and his friends started to throw rocks at me.I could not move not even to block the rocks from hitting my face.

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