Princess and The Dog

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"I'm so sorry.", Amias apologized about his current situation. "When I heard Neua's silent call I came as soon as I could. I did not take into account the fact that I would lose my clothes." "It's fine. I was just caught off guard.", I replied. He quickly shifted into a wolf again and I sighed in relief.

"So you are the one who has been helping Arandelle.", I plainly stated. "That is correct.", he replied. I should introduce myself. "There's no need to introduce yourself. I know all of you.", he said before I could speak. "H...",I started. "I'm a telepath.", he interrupted me. Next I heard his voice in my head. "Don't worry. I will try to refrain from reading your mind. I know it's annoying." "OK. Thank you.", I offered a smile. He nodded back at me.

I heard a loud crash come from the pond area. As I looked over I saw her. Princess Arandelle, the last person I had to find, was face down in the dirt. I ran over to help her up. When my hand touched her shoulder she punched me in the knee. My leg gave out and I fell.

"Don't touch me creep. I can get up by myself. Where the hell is Amias?", She looked down at me and her angry expression softened. "It's you...Salami. No. Um...Sage. No that's not it either. Don't tell me. Ssssss... Solomon. Ooh I'm so close now. Zucchini. Oh. Sozin it's Sozin.", she said with loads of enthusiasm. I nodded. She smiled and helped me up. "Sorry.", she apologized. I nodded and returned the smile.She walked over to Amias and they had a "talk".

"Now that you are here we can begin to discuss the first order of business. Mika is needed as well before we can begin. Mika!", Neua yelled. Mika was in front of us within seconds.

How did she get here so fast? She can't be human. "Now that Mika is also present I can tell you what is happening. There are four hounds of hell who seek to destroy you before you can fulfill the prophecy and kill them. Their names are Anasi the Spider Queen, Alayne the Leviathan, Selin the Head Magistra and Simmer the Queen of the Phoenix.

They have hurt you all in different ways. Those horrible moments in each of your lives are due to the things that they did. They first tried to destroy your desire to live any longer. However, they failed and they are now trying to actually kill you. Sozin I do not mean to alarm you but a scavenger demon came after you last night. I killed it before it could cause any harm. You all must discover the power within you. You will train to strengthen your abilities and fighting skills. In order to start your training we must first see what you have now. I still don't know the limits of your powers. So the first official order of business is for you five to fight Calvor, Amias and myself.", As Neua finished speaking, a staff materialized in her right hand. Her clothes changed and now she wore armor. She placed her left hand on the ground in front of her and out of it rose a table with an arsenal of weaponry atop it.

" We won't leave you defenseless. Each of you have a personal weapon. Such as your sword Mimi. Your sword as well Mika. As for you Arandelle it is your bow and arrow. Salem and Sozin, you need to choose your weapons. Trust me, you'll know them when you see them.", Neua smiled at us. Arandelle walked over to the table and grabbed the bow and arrow. Mika grabbed her sword off of the table as well.

I walked over to the table and I glanced over the deadly objects that lay upon it. I felt heat behind me and I watched as Calvor reached over me to grab the gauntlets off of the table. He put them on and brought his fists together in front of him. He was set ablaze for a second and then the fire disappeared. He wore armor as well. However his armor didn't come with a shirt. I have not seen Calvor shirtless until now and I would be lying if I said he didn't look sexy. He smiled at me and spoke to me but all I could hear was take me now. "Hey Sozin. Would you like me to help you out of those clothes?",he said and I almost died. "What?", I asked surprised. "Do you want me to help you out with your choice of weapons?",he laughed at me.

Whew. That makes so much more sense. I nodded in response. He pointed over to these blades on chains. They were so perfect. The blades were long and thick with handles on them. They were pure silver with a long silver chain connecting them to each other. They were mine. I grabbed them and I felt an energy course through my body.

"It's a wonderful feeling isn't it Sozin.", Calvor spoke as he closed the space between us. He turned me around and placed his
hands on my hips. He came in for a kiss and I was ready. "Hey Sizi look! I've got pistols.", Salem yelled. I jumped backwards in surprise. I caught myself before I fell. Salem laughed but I just rolled my eyes and moved so that I was facing Neua.

"I want you to give it your all. We'll go easy on you until you start to gain the upper hand.", Neua told us. We were facing each other with Neua, Amias and Calvor on one side and Mika, Mimi, Ara, Salem and myself on the other. "Ready? Begin.", She finished.

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