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          I watched Salem's body fall to the ground after suffering hits from Calvor. I hopped up and rushed over to him. Calvor had returned to normal and I glared at him. I kneeled down to check Salem's pulse and it was still there. I was so angry that Calvor went this far. He hurt Salem and I was ready for a fight. I felt as the rage built up inside of me. I swung the right blade to hit Calvor's leg. I made a cut in it successfully. It wasn't deep but it wasn't  just a scratch either.  When I swung the left blade at him, he caught it before it could connect to his body. He yanked me forward and his fist connected with my chest.  I flew backwards and landed on my back. I heard a cracking noise and I felt a searing pain. I couldn't stop being angry. I got up again and I charged at Calvor. I didn't have my swords so I got my fists in position to throw as many punches as I could muster. I used my speed to push off of the ground. When I reached him he caught me by my left arm. The force made it snap and I passed out when the pain fully hit me.

       I regained consciousness and found that I was in my bed. I couldn't think straight for a second and then it hit me. Calvor hurt Salem. I attempted to get up but I was reminded of my injuries when the pain hit me. Someone patched me up and placed me here. I closed my eyes as I winced. When I opened them again I was staring into a pair of beautiful pink eyes. They were so entrancing. I began to feel myself being lifted off of my bed. The room began to glow a pink light and I could see the face that held the pretty eyes. She was an absolutely gorgeous woman who had long and pretty hair. She had wings like some kind of fairy.

         I was completely stunned by her beauty and then she spoke. “My name is Sera. I am the fairy of enchantment. I am here to help you become stronger. Strong enough to eliminate all that stand in your way.”, her voice was elegant but powerful. “ I'm dreaming right?”, I asked her. “No. You're very much awake.”, She replied with a smile. Dammit. If she tries to attack me I can't defend myself. I let my emotions control me and that's why I lost. I felt my body being lifted up off of the bed. I looked to see who was carrying me. It was a boy who seemed only slightly older than me. “That's my younger brother Remi. He was named after our father. He doesn't talk all that much.”, She said as if she had read my mind.

         We started moving towards the balcony. “Where are you taking me?”, I asked. “Don't worry your pretty little face about it.”, Remi said. I couldn't believe that he actually spoke. I decided to keep quiet. Instead of opening the door we walked straight through it. He looked down at my surprised face and smirked at me. I heard the sound of someone running in behind us. When Remi turned around I could see Neua standing there looking at us. She seemed extremely angry. “If it isn't daddy's girl herself.”, Sera said. I wonder what she means by that. Neua’s eyes began to glow and she shot a wave of energy at Remi. He dodged it as he jumped up and now we don't have a balcony.

We landed safely on the ground and Remi started to run. He was extremely quick on his feet and strong enough to sprint while carrying me. It looked like we were headed to the forest. I looked to see that Sera was gone. Once we entered the forest I heard a loud crash. I saw Calvor land directly in front of us. Remi pushed up off of the ground and we landed on a tree branch. His balance is something else to be recognized. “Let go of Sozin! Give him back!”, Calvor yelled. “Is he yours? Does he belong to you demon? I didn't know that your kind still enslaved the Solis.”, Remi replied. His voice was firm. “No. He doesn't belong to anyone. He's still mine. The one that has my heart. I haven't known him for long, but I know that I felt something when I first met him.”, I was surprised at what Calvor said. I'm still mad at him but I can't help but wonder. Do I feel the same? He's lived for a long time. He understands what love is. I'm still not sure.

         Calvor jumped up and broke the branch that we were on. We fell, but before we hit the ground we were slammed into the ground. I went flying out of Remi's arms. I landed on my arm and I cried out in pain. Remi was upon me in an instant. “Are you okay? I'm so sorry. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I'm not going to let a demon take one more of our kind.”, Remi said. I wonder what he meant. Is he a Solis too? “I call upon the dark god Celcho. Grant me your power so that I may fight for the future of my kind.”, Remi stated. I looked up to see Salem, Mimi and Mika standing by Calvor. Remi began to glow a blacklight. He closed his eyes and this magic circle appeared on the ground next to me.  It started to burn with these black flames and out of them rose a huge raven.

         Salem ran towards me and started shooting at Remi. “Niotcetorp fo llaw!”, Remi shouted. The bullets exploded on an invisible wall in front of us. Salem made it to the wall and started attacking with everything he had in him. He still couldn't break through. I saw Sera finally. She was fighting Neua. She had a mace as a weapon. She used it to snatch Neua's staff away from her. Amias and Ara were with Neua. “Llepsid!”, Remi shouted. The wall disappeared and Salem took this as an opportunity to attack. “ Animus now!”, After he said that the raven opened its eyes and took off. Salem was knocked back by the force of the wind. Remi walked straight towards me and picked me up again. I felt extremely tired and in pain. The raven flew straight towards Sera. It opened its mouth and ate her whole. It turned around and headed straight for us. It devoured us as well and all I could see was darkness. Then I blacked out.

         I woke up and I was extremely warm. I placed my hand on the source and I felt bare skin. I was scared so I scooted back away from it. I looked up to see Remi's sleeping face. I examined his features. He had a well structured face. His hair was in a spiked up hairstyle. His body was super sexy. He was thin, but had just enough muscle. He had an accent and by looking at his face I can tell that he's Italian. It took me a while but then I realised I was naked. Oh no. Am I still a virgin? Did he take advantage of me? I moved quietly but quickly. “I’ve been awake this whole time so there's no need to sneak around. You've been out since yesterday. How're your injuries.”, Remi spoke. Dammit. “ Just what do you think you're doing? Why am I naked?”, I was so angry. “After passing through the portal, you almost froze to death. Body heat is the best weapon against the cold so I stayed naked in bed with you for a day.”, He stated. I feel bad now. Shit. “ Why are you being so nice to me?”, I asked. “You are my king. It is my solemn duty.”, He replied. “What type of shit are you trying to pull? King my ass.”, I said back. He seemed shocked. “You don't think that I would care for you if you were just a random person do you? I am your personal guard. You were born a year after I was reincarnated. It took me sixteen years to find you. Now that I have you, I will protect you with my life.”, He said. “If you're supposed to protect me then why did you kidnap me?”, I asked. “I did nothing of the sort. I was saving you from that demon.”, He seemed serious. “Calvor isn't a threat to me. He's kind. He would never try to kill me over some stupid war. Not all demons hate us.”, I retorted. “Demons do not hate us. They simply seek to devour our souls once we change into our true forms. Our souls are located where our human hearts are. When they eat our souls, they gain our powers. The victims reside in the demon’s body until the demon dies.”, He told me. I couldn't say anything else. I can't believe that really happens. “Like I said, I am your guard so I will follow you wherever you decide to go.”, Remi said.

         He got up out of bed and started walking towards the door. I took a peek at his naked body and I caught a glimpse of Mr. Mini. He isn't mini though. I felt dirty for looking at him like that. I felt whorish mostly. I shook the thought out of my head. He was gone in an instant. Oh my. I don't even know where I am. I'm naked in a room in the middle of nowhere. I'm officially screwed.

A/N: Sorry. This chapter is super short. We're not satisfied with it. We're going to do more updates to make up for lost time.

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