Awakening(part two)

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Arandelle and I were both going to fight Amias. I drew my sword back and ran towards him. I made an upwards slash in an attempt to cut him. He dodged it.

He jumped towards me and tried to bite down on my arm. I was scared and closed my eyes. My arm was in his mouth but I couldn't feel it. I saw that my arm was glowing purple but I don't know what it is. He shook his head vigorously and let go of my arm. He threw me into the pond. My eyes closed for a while but then I felt angry. I jumped out of the pond but the water followed me. I ran at Amias once again and I hit him with the water. He flew backwards and landed on his back. I could still control the water and I hit him with it repeatedly until he began to get upset. He ran at me again and I tried to hit him but I missed. I could see he was about to jump on me before he moved and I moved the water in front of me. He jumped and I held my hands up. The water froze and Amias did too. He looked at me and his eyes glinted an odd light. He let out a loud high pitched howl. It hurt my head to hear it. The ice shattered and I fell to the ground. Amias walked over to me and I could hear his voice in my head. "You're dead Mimi. I'm extremely impressed with how well you fought. You should take a seat with the others.", He bowed his head at me.

Arandelle( Ara)

I chose to fight Amias. Instead of fighting him at the same time as Mimi I decided to fight him after examining what he did during their fight. I do know that I'm going to have to put all of my effort into this fight if I want to last. I am slightly worried. I have never used my powers before and I don't even know what they are.

Amias came directly at me. He was too close for me to shoot him with my bow and arrow. He attempted to bite me but I quickly rolled out of the way. I looked at Amias and realized that this fight isn't going to be easy. I prepared my bow and enchanted arrow. The arrow only appears if your hands are positioned just right. I was far enough to the point where I could shoot. I shot the arrow at Amias and he immediately caught it between his teeth. He snapped it like a twig. Technically it is a twig but that's besides the point. He came at me again and I didn't know what to do. Another dodge would be impossible.

I closed my eyes and I could hear the forest animals. I heard as the large wolf was coming towards me and growled. I felt this strange sensation to fight and I caught Amias mid air. I threw him down to the ground and he slid. He got back up and seemed to really start to use his abilities. He came upon me before I could register and repeatedly hit me. I finally grabbed him and launched him into a tree. He tried to move but the tree was holding on to him. His eyes glinted and the tree began to wither. I know he's a telepath but do trees really have thoughts that would allow him to shut it down? No time Ara. Get your shit together.

I watched as Amias came at me one last time. He was serious this time and I couldn't give up. He let out a scream and I was knocked back by the force. He came over to me. Probably for the "kill". I closed my eyes in defeat. No. You have to fight. Never give up. I let out a fierce roar and I hit him with a huge...crystal? It appeared to be like a gem of some sort. I did figure I should use it. It was floating and I hurled it towards him. When he screamed it shattered. I was hit by the impact and I fell. He screamed again and I was thrown over to where Sozin was sitting. Sozin helped me regain balance and Amias walked over to talk to me. "You're dead. Sorry.", I heard his voice in my head. I gave him a look that could probably melt his brain.


I didn't really think about it so I just went for it. He seemed wide open and we all know I don't think. I saw him get ready to swing but you know, too late to back down now. As I readied a bullet I shot a bullet as hard as I could forward to stop me from my run. As Calvor went to block I charged twice as fast and began to go into my full fledged combat mode. I used the pistols as swords for extra reach and damage and it seemed to work well. "ANKLE, TIBIA, CLAVICLE, SCAPULA!!!!" Calvor was actually taking some damage, from me. Of course I didn't let it show on my face because you know I'm a fucking savage. Shortly after my combo Calvor recovered. "Well done Salem, I honestly wasn't ready for that." "Yeah well that kind of took alot of wit and cunning." I responded. "Alright then Salem show me what you can do." This time Calvor charged at me at like the fricking speed of sound. He honestly was in my face before I could respond to his last words. Good thing I can speed myself up or else that would've been the end right there. He swung for my head, obviously to try and knock me out to finish it but before he could I missile rolled between his legs while firing both pistols up and around. I made contact with a few but didn't want to shoot him in the balls because Sozin would kill me for messing with his sex. So i continued just to dodge that area. After my missile roll he continued his assault on me. I tried to slow him down by shooting all the rounds these babies could offer straight at him. He just used his gauntlets to block them off. Seeing that it didn't work I shot at his ankles because everyone has weak ankles no matter who you are. As expected he jumped and so did unleashing another storm of bullets into the air. And as I hit the peak of my jump I unleashed the ultimate Pelé kick that spiked him into the ground. "Damn I'm good." I said aloud. "Alright Salem allow me to get serious." Calvor rose from the rubble and said "Beast Mode: 20% Engage." When I looked through the smoke I saw such a hellish creature. I saw a shadow of wings, horns, and a tail. Calvor phased right in front of me and before I could even shoot he slit both my wrists and they fell numb with searing pain. I couldn't even feel myself drop the guns after that he unleashed a

Flurry of punches that hit every pressure point. My body was paralyzed, I tried to look up at Calvor and everyone but my vision began to blur and then it gave out, and so did I.

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