A Family Divided (part three)

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I heard my name being called and I opened my eyes. I saw everything in the living room floating and covered in white glowing mystical dust. I saw Salem who was also floating. I was scared and I couldn't stop it. The objects started spinning around me extremely fast and I started feeling light headed. Everything came to an abrupt stop and I blacked out.

My eyes fluttered open and I was in a room full of bright white light. There were pedestals with pure silver vases on them on each wall. There was a large set of silver double doors directly across from where I was standing. I walked towards the doors slowly and cautiously. When I reached the doors I noticed that there were no knobs on them.

I pushed on the doors but they wouldn't budge. I was confused and I tried again and again. I became frustrated and yelled, "Just open!". The doors began to glow a white light in the middle and opened slowly. I walked through them and I saw Neua standing in the middle of a huge room with marble floors, a staircase on either side and a large crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

Her back was towards me so I don't know how I knew it was her. She turned around to face me and she looked simply beautiful. Her dress and skin were glowing and as I looked around I noticed that everything here was glowing. In behind her was a mirror and I saw that I was dressed extremely formal, like royalty, and I was also glowing. I looked back to Neua who was smiling at my amazement.

"Beautiful isn't it? You're in the spiritual realm which is also known as the astral plain. I brought you here because we cannot be tracked here and I believe you are having trouble controlling your abilities.", Neua spoke. "I am. Can you help me Neua?", I asked. " Yes I can. However, in order for me to help you I have to be in the physical plain. You can help me with this Sozin. I believe it is almost time for your first spell. Oh my, I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Before you can do this you must first know all there is to know about you. Are you ready to learn?", She asked looking me in my eyes. "Yes Neua, I want to know it all.", I replied. " I believe we should sit down for this.", she said. I watched as she curled her hand upwards and the floor started changing and two marble chairs emerged from it. "Please Sozin, take a seat.", she said. We sat down in the chairs and I turned to face her. " I believe the best way would be to show you.", Neua said. She curled her hand again and out of the floor rose a marble table. She brought her hand up to her mouth in blew a type of electric blue mystical dust onto the table." You see Sozin, the Solis are an ancient race of star light beings. They have existed since the beginning of time. You are a Solis. In this you have been granted many wonderful abilities that regular humans are incapable of possessing. This form that you are in right now is not your true form. You are actually made of pure light, fire and gas. The only reason the Solis stays inside of your body is for stability. You are one of the few remaining Solis on earth I'm afraid. The reason that the Solis are near extinction is because of the wars. The Solis were given the powers from the Stars. The demons were jealous and initiated the wars. Eons ago, the Solis and the demons fought horrible wars in which they lost many people. Your mother and father were two of the few to survive the wars. Your mother did not believe in the battle and she felt that there was no reason to fight. However, after you and your brother were born and your mother had divorced your father, your mother was tracked down by the scavenger demons. The demons hated the Solis and wanted to kill each and every one. That demon that you saw the night that your powers had sparked was a servant of the four hounds of hell. The four hounds of hell are four evil mistresses who were given powers by Dzilvan. Dzilvan is a powerful demon and the king of the inferno realm. Dzilvan granted them this power in order for them to destroy the balance of the world. Your destiny is to destroy all four hounds of hell and to cast Dzilvan into the fiery hole of the inferno realm. The four hounds of hell we're the ones who sent the demon that killed your mother. They stripped her and your father of their abilities when they fled the battle field. They could sense your power and used it to find your mother. Your father wanted to get rid of you and that's why your mother divorced him. My mother used to be one of the hounds of hell but they killed her when she wouldn't conform to their evil ways and fight in the war. She fought alongside the Solis and they overpowered her. After that, they killed me as well. That's why I am here. I want to exact my revenge on the hounds of hell as well and you may think that man that you saw was just some random person. However, Calvor is no other than my old friend. He has been around for many years. You, Sozin, must fulfill your destiny in your own way. The people you have dreamed about, those girls. They are those who you must seek out; their names are Mika, Mimi and Arandelle. They will be your allies in this fight. I will train you to use your abilities and fight. This is the fight for good over evil.", as she spoke I could see everything play out on the table. The dust constantly changed forms. "Woah Neua, this is a lot to take in. Regardless, I know what needs to be done. So what's this spell that I need to cast?", I replied. "You must first find an item that I can be tied to in order to stay in the physical plain. It should be something durable because if it is destroyed I would be forced back in the spiritual plain. When you have this item you must then read this incantation.", she said, handing me a piece of paper with writing on it. "As for your abilities, you are extremely powerful Sozin. I casted a stability spell so your powers won't go crazy anymore. I will see you soon. I have kept you for far too long and Salem is grieving over you. You can leave on your own. I believe in you.", she smiled softly. "Wait, what do you mean grieving?", I asked. "You're dead.", she said simply.She curtsied and bursted into millions of tiny blue light particles.I walked towards the mirror and I looked into it deeply. The image started to change and I saw my body. I was dead and that's why Salem is grieving. I walked into the mirror slowly and I jumped up gasping. I looked up to see Calvor holding his hand out to me.

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