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The Alpha was sitting outside of his home on a bench. Smiling while watching his little girl play. She was his only child. He was happy to see her get along with wolves really well. Even thought they lost magic, the pack still existed. The loyalty was still there. A little girl soon ran and jumped at her father while smiling. She was a happy little kid. She kept hugging him as if she could sense something is about to happen. The little girl was 5 years old now and the prophecy is about to fulfill itself.

"Dad, where is my mom?" She asked him for the first time about her mother and Elijah sighed. He never talked about Rayna to anyone. That was hard topic for him. How could he possibly tell a 5 year old girl that her mom died giving her a birth?

"That's a long story, sweetheart. I promise I will tell you when you grow older, okay?" He asked and the little girl nodded her little head. She was one very understanding child for her age. Soon they heard shooting and saw few arrows flying through the air. Elijah sent Rebell in the house and told her to hide and she did. But little did he know that Rebell was never good at hide and seek. The pack stood on their positions, waiting for the enemy to arrive. And soon they came in. With every kind of weapons that existed.

They killed few wolves and the fight began. Blood was everywhere. Grass wasn't green anymore. It was red. Wolves fought against hunters before they were all poisoned by them. They fell onto the floor, not having any ability to move. One of them went into the house and soon came outside with little Rebell in his hands.

She kicked and yelled at him to let he go but he didn't care at all. Elijah hardly stood up and tried to fight off the man but they injected him with their new toy. He fell onto the floor unconscious. He heard the screams of his little girl and yet he was unable to do anything. That day the little girl was taken away.

Their only hope was taken away. Years and years went by and they couldn't find her. Without their wolves it is even harder to find her. The pack was suffering. Everyone grew to love little girl but now. She wasn't there. The light was taken away from the darkness.

*So, as you see this part is short. I didn't want it to be too big because it would make no sense at all. So, I hope you like it.



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