Chapter 8: They will all fall!

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Rebell was now standing in front of Elijah and Amber. They were both waiting for her to start speaking. They knew that what she was about to tell them can destroy them. She can't tell it to her pack. How can she tell them that She'll kill someone they all believe in? How? Soon she shook her head. She felt Him trying to get in her head again but she was fighting his constant tries.  She turned from the window to the two people in her messy ambulance room. She looked at Elijah, her father who was looking at her in curiosity. And then she looked at the girl beside him, dressed in a fighting clothes as she looked at her Alpha in admiration and respect but Rebell felt something weird. She shrugged it off and took a deep breath while preparing herself for a big news.

„I need to tell you something important.“ she said slowly. She couldn't just tell them right away. It would just sound and be even more insane if that was even possible.

„When I was in that sleep I found out new things. I fought against the voices of many bad creatures. But there is one thing that I know now that I have to do. Moon Goddess. The person to who every creature in the world prays to let the baad things happen. She put me in the position in which I was few hours ago. She messed with your lives. With our lives.“ Rebell said and shook her head again as she felt again him trying to get in. She squeezed her eyes shut for a few minutes before opening them again.

„I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying, Alpha.“ Amber said and Rebell looked at her. Yes. Rebell didn't know her well but she trusted her anyways. She helped her father take care of the pack when she wasn't able to and it made Rebell trust her.

„I have to kill Moon Goddess.“ Rebell said and they both looked at her in pure shock.

„It's impossible. I mean, you don't even know where she is.“ Amber said and Rebell shook her head again. This was third time he was trying to get in her head.

„She hide herself in Lucifer's cage.“ Rebell said shortly and they both looked even more shocked now if that was possible at all.

„Ooookay. How are you going to kill her?“ Elijah asked now completely calm and his face hide mix of emotions.

„I just need to drag her and Kaleb Smith out of hell and then Faith will take care of her.“ she said and Elijah stiffened. She mentioned his brother. She needed to save him.

„Why would you save my brother? “ Elijah asked in pure confusion. None of this made sense. It made no sense at all. Why would she ssve a person she doesn't even know? But she simply said that it wasn't his time to die.

„How do you even know all of this? How are going to go to hell and what makes you think that you can bring Moon Goddess out of there without her killing you?“ Amber asked curious. Rebell just woke  up and started talking about killing Moon Goddess. She had a plan, a facts. She knew everything and it made no sense.

„The archangel told me in my sleep. The power that Moon Goddess has was never hers. It was from Faith and I need to give it back to her. I can open the gates of hell. They are hidden on the place where the betrayer was burried.“ Rebell said and smiled at them. They thought she was insane and let's think about it again. Who wouldn't?

„Now you can either help me or let me do my job on my own. “ Rebell said and looked at them as they looked at each other as if they were talking with their eyes.
Then Amber turned to Rebell and sighed.

„I will help you. From the moment I heard about Moon Goddess I felt like something was off. I guess I know what it is now.“ Amber said as she gave her Alpha a respectfull look. Amber was ready to kill for her or to die for her. For some unexplainable reason, she felt connected to her Alpha on a higher lever. Rebell glared at Elijah as if waiting for his response.

„You know I'll always help you.“ he said and Rebell nodded her head and just few seconds later she shook her head as she felt Him trying to get in her head again.

„Than let's go. Shall we?“ Rebell said as she started walking towards the exit of the room and she stopped once they were on Augustin's lake, on the grave of her mother. She looked at the grave and fought the urge to growl.
„Soo, how do you open the gates?“ She heard Amber stand beside her as she asked her. No, Amber had no doubt in Rebell but she needed to ask it.

„The archangel told me that I'll have to use my voice. Whatever that meant.“ she answered without hesitation. She was still looking at the grave of her mother as she wished that things turned out to be different. She didn't want to hate her mother, yet she did. She hated her with everything in her.

“Wait a second. You are a Banshee too. What if the Archangel didn't mean on your human voice? What if you have to scream to open it?“ Elijah asked Rebell and she shook her head imidiately. She didn't want to use that power. Not again. She just wanted to finish her job. But how can she finish it if she refuses to start it?

„I can't scream.“ she simply said as she hoped that they would understand but none of them looked at her face. None of them saw how terrified she is. How afraid of the power she has is.

„What do you mean you can't use it? You are a Banshee. You need to embrace it.“ Amber said softly and it pissed Rebell off. She was confused by sudden worry and adoration she was able to hear in her voice, to see in her eyes. It was confusing her. Amber was confusing her.

„You don't understand! I can't focus. I can't control the Banshee within me.“ Rebell yelled a little bit and they looked at her finally understanding. Rebell shook her head again as she felt Banshee's voices trying to take control and a voice of Lucifer trying to possess her.

„I'm gonna do it somehow. But when I open the gates, you'll need to stay here and kill anyone who tries to go outside.“ Rebell said and they looked at her terrified. A vampire and a werewolf were about to kill demons.

„You are asking yourselves how! I'll give you a bit of my power that controls hell fire so whenever you see someone coming outside you'll need to shoot. This time. You'll use magic.“ Rebell said and smiled as they looked at her confused. They weren't witches so how could they know how to control freaking witches' power?
She walked slowly to them and made a ball of fire show up in both of her hands. Rebell winced again at the sound of a Banshee and the devil in her head.

„It's gonna hurt a bit.“ she said as she made the two balls go directly in their hearts. They both gasped and took in a deep, sharp breath. Rebell turned around and closed her eyes as she slowly moved her hands in the air as she  felt the cold air slowly move. She focused on her voices. She focused of the fear they were causing to her and she focused to the hate and rage she felt for them.

And in that moment she screamed. Her voice was focused on the grave of her mother but it didn't mean that Amber and Elijah's ears didn't hear the scream at all. They whimpered at the sound of their Alpha's scream. The ground started to shake as Rebell felt its warmth go through her. Suddenly she was set on fire, Amber screamed and was about to go to her but Elijah held her. Rebell turned to them and smiled sweetly for the first time in her entire life. The fire would have burned anyone but not Rebell. She didn't even wince. Not at all.

Fire didn't bother her anymore. Suddnely the ground stopped shacking and the big fire hole made its appearance. And then, Rebell was dragged to hell, leaving Amber and Elijah with a bit of her power to defend the world. And as soon as she was gonne they focused on the power inside them. It was so owerwhelming. And it scared them.

If they were terrified of a bit of the power that Rebell possessed, they couldn't help themselves but wonder how did she manage to put on a smile and walk as if it didn't hurt her? How did she control that amount of power inside her? And few minutes later the first demon tried  to get out but they sent him back with the fire they had in themselves. They were both worried for her. For Rebell. Little did they know that once Rebell comes back form hell, nothing will ever be the same again. Ever.

Things they knew will be destroyed. The idols they believed in will be killed.

Everything will change. They will all fall. One by one.

*Here it is. Next part is gonna be extremely hard to write to me considering the fact that the school started and that The next part is extremely hard to write. It is darker than any part I wrote before. And it is hard to write it even for me who always writes that kind of chapters. Anyhow. I hope you liked it.
And comment?*

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