Chapter 20: Death of the Phoenix!

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"I couldn't stop it. I stood there and watched her die infont of me. I couldn't have done anything to save her and I couldn't kill the man who killed her. For once upon a time he was my friend. I can not describe what I felt when I watched her die."

Three years have passed since Amber's death and Rebell was still mourning her. She didn't even get to say goodbye to her own sister. She couldn't save her for she was the cause of her death. Three years have passed since she last saw Sebastian. Clary said that she made sure that he wouldn't come back but Rebell knew better. Sebastian was coming for her and she knew it. And a year passed since she gave birth to her beautiful son. Elijah and her named him Elois. The name had a meaning of a warrior. Everything they hoped their child would be. A strong and noble warrior. And now their little Elois was with his babysitter Clary for Rebell and Elijah were both on Amber's grave. Rebell sat on the floor next to the grave as tears were falling down her cheeks.

"Truth be told, I knew you only one year but we connected the moment we saw each other. You're my twin, Amber and when you died I felt like I lost a part of myself." Rebell said as she started choking in tears. She looked at the grave infront of her as she wished she never escaped the Nightmare prison. If she never escaped, none of this would have happened.

"What hurts me the most is the fact that I am the one who put an end to your life. My powers are what killed you." She said as she closed her eyes and as she openned them she looked at her hands in disgust. She was disgusted by herself. For the first time in her life she hated herself.

"I'm disgusted by myself. My powers are too dangerous. I am too dangerous and I don't know how to control this monster inside me. I----I..I never got the chance to say goodbye to you. " She said and started choking on her tears again as Elijah hugged her close to himself. He hated seeing her like this. He hated the fact that he couldn't help her. Hours went by and they were still sitting on the grave as Rebell talked to her sister. No, Rebell wasn't weak, not at all. She was incredibly strong person but even the strongest people sometimes break.

"I am so sorry." She said and got up in order to leave with Elijah. She didn't make a step as she heard a familiar voice behind her. She knew it was him for she had sensed him coming back. It was too easy to get rid of him the way they did.

"You should be." He said and they both turned around and saw a very alive and smirking Sebastian standing before them. He didn't look like he suffered in hell, at all. He looked like he loved being there.

"Hello Rebell. Long time no see." He said and smirked as he saw her shudder and Elijah hissed at him but Sebastian just ignored him. Elijah was not the reason as to why was Sebastian back.

"I knew you would come back. What do you want Sebastian?" Rebell asked him coldly as she erased her tears from her cheeks and looked up at him with fire in her eyes. She wasn't going to back down without a fight. She never was.

"I want to put an end to this. I take your life and spare theirs." He said as he smiled when he saw her widen her eyes. She took a deep breath as she looked up to him.

"No. I can't do that. Please, just stop with this maddness." She said and he shook his head as he made an ice in his hand. The rare ice that could kill her. The ice that could put an end to all of this.

"Why? Is it because of your son?" He asked and she looked at him with wide eyes. He knew about her little son. He was going to hurt him too and Rebell was ready to do anything in order to save him. In order to protect her blood.

"You know that we have a son and yet you're ready to leave an innocent child motherless? What kind of person are you?" Elijah asked him with a shock clear on his face. How could he kill her knowing that she has a son to get back to?

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