Chapter 16: They were happy!

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"I didn't want to spend any more time of my life self pitying or running from love. I was too happy to see him alive to remember any of my rules and in that moment I knew I loved him and I knew I'll regret it."

Few hours went by and they were still discussing the matter of how to help Sebastian. He was immortal, unable to die but that sword could affect when and what kind of Sebastian will wake up. But Amber looked like she had forgot about all of that immortality story. She stood in the corner of the room, just staring at Sebastian's almost dead body. She couldn't even cry any more for the pain she was feeling couldn't and wouldn't go away with just few tears going down her cheeks, so she gave up on crying. She was holding it all inside of herself. All of those feelings were overwhelming her and yet she didn't let them come to the surface. Clary was talking about her channelling Elijah's strength in order to heal her brother when she heard Kaleb ask her why does she have to channel Elijah. Why not anyone else from the room.

"Because, as you see, the most powerful and strongest person in this room needs my help." She said as she pointed at her brother on the hospital bed. Amber didn't understand how can she keep calm even when watching her brother on that bed, dying.

"Second most powerful person in this room is the Phoenix and I can not channel Phoenix." She said as she gave Rebell a pointed look. No one could channel or kill the Phoenix, except for Sebastian. He had the power to kill all of them but he had no intentions on doing so.

"Then comes, a thousand years old vampire who died and whose strength is no match to a thousand years old vampire who has never died before." She said as she looked at her soul mate with a pointed look. Kaleb just huffed in annoyance and nodded his head.

" And the last, Amber, the blood sucking wolf, one of the most powerful wolves I have met. But right now, you can not help me." Clary said as she carefully said her words as if not to hurt her but Amber paid zero attention to her. She was focused on Sebastian, on his breathing, happy to still hear his heart beat. Soon Clary took Elijah's hand in her own and she heard Kaleb lowly growl. She understood why he did that but it was not time for any of that. Clary put her right hand over Sebastian's wound and he stiffened in pain, not making any sound. Amber gulped, not able to see the person she loved in pain. Clary's and Elijah's hands started to glow a tiny bit and then the words Amber didn't understand started leaving her lips.
"In nomine virtus per venas et saucium sanandum." She said and Sebastian's wound started to heal a little and he started gasping for air, completely unable to breath.

"His ulcus purgatum est, et abiit, et recessit." She said and it healed in a centimetre more and everyone noticed Elijah and Clary sweating as she kept taking his strength.Clary's eyes were closed and it was becoming harder for her to breath and say the words. Her hand that was on Sebastian's wound started slowly shacking as she used every bit of her power to heal her brother.

"His ulcus, ut non recedant a somno exsuscitem eum." She kept saying the words, bit by bit. After every word she would take in a sharp breath. The words were becoming harder and harder to say. Then after the last word was said, her hand started glowing a little bit and Sebastian's wound healed completely. She separated her hand away from Elijah's and used her both hands to support herself on the bed. She was breathing really hard as Kaleb rushed to her in order to help her but he had no power to do so. Not right now. She looked up on her brother, expecting his green eyes to meet hers but he was still asleep. She looked confused as she went by her brother's side, she took his hand and started shacking him. Amber breathed even harder now, she knew what's coming. She was about to loose another person she loved. And all that because Faith was being a bitch towards her as she liked to say.

"Don't you dare leave me, brother." Clary said in somewhat threatening voice as she waited for him to wake up. She did everything right. She said every word correctly. She made no mistake so why the hell was he not waking up? Amber quickly excused herself and went out of the hospital, unable to see his death with her own eyes. She went to her room and sat on the bed silently. She remembered her promise to herself. She shall never fall in love. That was the only rule and promise she made to herself and yet she failed at it.

She failed in hate and she failed in love.

All she kept thinking about is seeing Sebastian's lifeless body, seeing life leave his body. She closed her eyes in order to calm herself down but it only got worse. Tears started leaving her eyes and going down her cheeks. She hated these moments, moments where she felt weak. She wasn't weak but she couldn't stop emotions from overcoming her this time. She sat on her bed, crying her heart out about the loss of someone she loved with her whole existence if that was even possible. What she didn't know is that Sebastian didn't die, it just took him a bit longer than expected to wake up. And first thing he did when he woke up after greeting everyone, like it was just a regular day to him and it was, he asked where Amber was. And after they told him how broken she was and how she couldn't watch his "death" he demanded to see her. He needed to make sure she was okay and she wasn't. She was broken right now.

Amber went to the kitchen in order to take a glass of water. Two hours went by since she started crying over the loss of Sebastian. Two hours went by since she cried her heart out. She heard the doors open and her fiends walk towards her. She acted as if she didn't notice them and then she snapped and turned around.

"What?!" She screamed at them as they kept looking at her with something called sympathy in their eyes. She raised her eyebrows and then she looked behind them and her glass fell onto the floor. There stood Sebastian, with so much worry and love for her in his eyes that it hurt her to look at him. But she had no time being angry, he was alive and it couldn't make her happier. She smiled as she hugged him and that is how the day ended. For the first time in their lives they were happy.

"I thought I lost you." She muttered as she hugged him closer to herself, afraid that she will loose him if she lets him go, this time for real. She inhaled his scent as he did the same, both calming their wolves.

"I will never leave you, Amber. Ever." He said as he hugged her closer too. He was happy that he was finally allowed to hug the person he loved the most in the world, without her kicking his ass. In that moment, they were happy but their happiness wont last long.

They were all in danger, danger that could possibly get them all dead if they don't act quickly.

*Next few chapters are really intense and soon this book is coming to an end. Also, I have already the imagined ending written for this book. Anyone who is reading this, if anyone is reading this is not going to like it but I'm planning on writing the next part from this book. About whose children is it going to be you'll have to wait and see for yourself.





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