Chapter 18: I did warn you!

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"I wish I saw it coming. I wish I knew that something terrible was going to happen. Maybe if I knew, I would have been able to stop it. Maybe I would have been able to save your mother."

"What? You're the one who killed the white wolf? But.... How?" Rebell asked him clearly confused at the new truth before her. She didn't know how to react. He was the one who created the hell she has been in for twenty years. But all Sebastian did was look at them without any emotion on his face. The man before them regret nothing at all.

"Like you said before I can kill anyone I wish to kill." He said with such coldness in his eyes, it almost looked like he wanted them all dead and in that moment Elijah wished he saw it coming. He wished he didn't trust him but they all trusted him.

"Even us?" Asked Kaleb and pointed at everyone that was in the room and Sebastian just nodded his head without bothering to answer to his question. But they chose not to believe him. Little did they know that they shouldn't have trusted him. They should run and never come back. They shouldn't have trusted him.

"I don't believe you." Said Amber and Rebell couldn't help but feel sorry for her sister. She just opened up to her soul mate and not only did he end up to be the person she had been looking for for 10 years, but he turned cold. As soon as she said Sebastian took his hands out of his pocket and put it infront of himself. He imagined what he wanted in his head and they looked at him mouth agape as the weapon that is able to kill the original vampires appeared in his hand.

"Is this enough or should I continue?" He asked as he opened his eyes and saw them all starring at him, not believing their own eyes. And as he looked at Amber he felt sorry for what he was doing but there was no way out but this one. He closed his eyes and in a flick of his wrist a weapon able to kill Amber appeared, it was weapon made of pure gold. Next, he showed the weapon able to kill Clary, it was Faith herself and last but not least important, he showed weapon able to kill the Phoenix, Rebell herself. It was an ice stake with a hint of fire inside.

"What is that?" Rebell asked but she already assumed of what it was. She gulped as she tried to take it but he stopped her just before it got to her palm.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said but even when he warned she needed to be stubborn and take it in her hand. As soon as the ice made contact with her palm it started burning her in a negative way and she hissed as she let go of the weapon. And with snap of his fingers the weapon dissapeared. Elijah ran to Rebell and held her palm, trying to make the pain go away and kissing her forehead.

"Well, I did warn you." He said as he smirked and in that moment Clary saw that something was terribly wrong with her brother. He was a strange man but this wasn't him. Something was terribly off. And Amber sensed it too. She was his soul mate, she was connected to him in a way no other human being is.

"Now, you can think of me as of a threat but let me make this clear to you. I could have killed you if I wanted to but I didn't, because I don't want to. Now, are we going to talk about the hunters or not?" He asked and they all snapped out of their thinking and starring. They nodded and Rebell went back to her seat. They all sat down and the planning began but little did they know that their planning, the Shadow himself will lead them to their own death and destruction. He's going to make sure that Rebell becomes who she's destined to be, the Destructive Alpha. He was invincible. But none of them was.

"Right.. Right. Where do we find them?" Asked Rebell and he started laughing like a maniac. He looked at her in disbelief. How could she not know? She's the one who spent there 80% of her life.

"Wait, so, you spent twenty years of your lfie there and you never realized that there were too many hunters there from time to time?" He asked her in disbelief as she watched him not realizing at first what he was trying to say and then it clicked in her head. It couldn't be. She has to go back, back to the Nightmare prison.

"That's right, Rebell. You were in the center of it. You were in the damn center of their hiding spot and you never even realized." He said as he smirked to her face and Clary finally realized what was wrong with her brother. He could no longer control his dark side, his rage and anger he's been hiding for years.

"Okay, so how do we get in?" She asked and in that moment Sebastian couldn't help but ask himself how stupid was she really?

"How did you get out?" He asked her and she looked at him full of rage now. Her memories came back. That's right, Sebastian was not the only one with bad memories from his miserable life.

"I had to sell my soul to the fucking devil!" She yelled at him and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. That's new. He's never heard of someone selling their soul to the devil. Interesting fact.

"Fine, fine. Calm down. So, in order to come inside without anyone knowing it we will have to disable the alarm first. Second, we go inside the house. Third, we put a bomb in it and then we ran." He said and they looked at him confused as to how did he come to the plan so fastly but what they didn't know is that he has been planning this his whole life.

"I see you're all confused. Let me make this clear, I will disable the alarm, because I know exactly where it is and my power can reach it without me getting in. And then Rebell will go inside the center of the house and put the bomb in it and run outside." He said and they all believed him except for Clary but she couldn't tell them, not until she had the spell that will defeat her brother once and for all.

"And why do I have to go all alone in the house? Why don't you go?" Rebell asked him, it was her life that was on stake. He was talking about her risking her own life, of couse she would be worried about all of this.

"Because the less of us go inside the house, the less chance you have to get caught. Plus, I'll be outside holding a spell that will set off alarms. I can't put the bomb in the house and hold the spell." He said and Clary just looked at her brother, dissapointed. He was lying. He was powerful enough to be able to do both.

"Fine. I'll do it." She said and he smirked but as soon as the words left her mouth Elijah stood up in protest.

"No! You can't do this,Rebell. This is madness. A fucking suicide mission." He yelled and she just smiled at him while nodding as if to say that she could do just anything she wanted. Anything at all.

"How long do I have to get out?" She asked him carefuly and Sebastian smirked evilly in his own, wicked and dark head. This is all planned.

"10 seconds." He answered shortly and Elijah jumped and yelled "What?!" and kept protesting but Rebell just said shortly that she'll do it. He heard Amber ask her when they're going to go. She didn't even bother looking at Sebastian. Yes, he was her soul mate but she was not stupid. She knew something was off about him.

"Tomorrow. At night." She said and they all sighed and agreed. They could protest and protest but she was still an Alpha. Her decidion was still the last, final word. She was still the highest ranking out of all of them. But they didn't know that Sebastian's plan was working and they were playing their roles perfectly.

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