6~ Our Biography

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Supernatural S4:E18 "The Monster at the End of This Book"

Madison'a POV

It's been weeks since I've seen Castiel, and I'm starting to miss the pain in the ass angel.

I know that I told him to never speak to me again, but I didn't mean it. I was furious at the moment and put all my anger on him.

So, my brothers and I found out about this book series called 'Supernatural', and it's about our lives. Seriously, this author knows everything about us. He wrote about the shapeshifters, our dad dying, Sam's demon blood, and it ended with Dean and I going to hell.

How is that even possible? Is he psychic or something?

Looks like the author, "Carver Edlund", is just a pen name. But, after convincing his publisher that we're his biggest fans, which was brutal, she gave us his address and real name.


"Are you Chuck Shurley?," Dean asked him after a man opened the door.

"The Chuck Shurley who wrote the 'Supernatural' books?," Sam asked for conformation. He looked between the three of us.

"Maybe. Why?"

"I'm Dean. This is Sam and Madison. The ones you've been writing about," he just nods and shuts the door on us. Making Dean ring the doorbell again.

"Look, uh, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Really, I do. It's always nice to hear from the fans. But uh, for your own good I strongly suggest you get a life," he sighs and starts to close the door again, but Dean stopped it.

"See, heres the thing. We have a life. You've been using it to write your books"

"Wait, hold on. Did phil put you up to this?"

"Wel, nice to meet you. I'm Dean Winchester and this is my brother and sister, Sam and Madison," his eyes went wide.

"Wait a minute. The last names were never in the books. I never told anybody about that. I never even wrote that down"


Chuck gave us his latest chapter that he'd written, and we headed to the hotel. Dean started to freak out, because everything that's happened so far has came true, and since Lilith is coming he thinks he can just alter everything.

We left Sam in a hotel without any research tools he can use, and went to Chucks, well after Dean got hit by a minivan like the chapter said he would.

"How the hell are you doing this?!," Dean asked as he pushed Chuck against a wall. He looked terrified.

"I-I don't know," he stuttered.

"Dean, Let him go," we turned around to see none other than Castiel there. "This man is to be protected". I became surprised at his sudden presence.


"He's a prophet of the lord"


So apperantly, Chuck is a prophet of the lord, which means that whatever he writes cannot be undone.


While Dean and Sam were in the motel room, I stepped out into the cold. I looked up to the night sky, and closed my eyes.

"I'm fresh out of options, so I'm praying for once in my like, okay? I need some help," I sighed. There was a gust of wind that blew past me and I turned around to see Castiel.

"So, you're not still mad at me?" he asks.

"No, if you can help me with this"

"I'm not sure what I can do"

"Drag my brother out of here, before Lilith shows up"

"It's a prophecy. I can't interfere. It's not within my power to do, please try to understand that Madison," he pleads.

"That's crap"

"I'm sorry"

"Screw you," I sneered ane began to walk away.



"You must understand why I cannot interfere, You see, prophets are protected. If anything threatens a prophet, anything at all, an arcangel will appear to destroy that threat," he hints to me.

"So if a prophet was in the same room as a demon?"

"Then the most fearsome wrath of heaven would rain down on that demon... Just so you understand, why I can't help," He looked at me seriously. I nodded to him with a small grin.

"Thanks, Cass"


After telling Dean, we went to go get Chuck, but by the time we got there, Lilith was already there. Chuck just ran into the hotel room.

"I am the prophet, Chuck," he introduces. She let go of the knife that was on Sam, and stepped towards him.

"You've got to be kidding me," she sneered. That's when the room began to shake.

"That's an arcangel. He protects the prophet. So, if you don't wanna be torn to pieces, I suggest you leave," Dean warned.

She hesitated before leaving the blondes body, and escaping out the window. Finally, The rumbling stopped.

When we were packing up to leave, I went to Chucks house alone to ask him a question.

"Hey, Chuck. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"When you were writing, did you ever find out what I am? Or how I got these abilities?"

"Yes, but do you really want to know?"

"please, Chuck"

"Okay, well... When you were in hell, unlike your brother Dean, you always said no. For those whole 40 years you resisted Alastairs offers, and one day while you were being tortured, you snapped and something inside you unleashed," he explained.

"What do you mean 'something unleashed'?"

"A cry of innocence. It's rare, but you became invincible to their torture. You became a warrior, of the good. Or to be more clear, the angels," I spit out the water I was drinking and coughed.

"I'm sorry, what?!"

"Madison... You became an angel warrior"


While in the long car ride with my brothers, I decided it was time to tell them about what Chuck told me.

"I found out why I have these powers," I said casually.

"How do you have them?" Dean asked.

"Down in hell, I unleashed a cry of innocence, that made me immune to their torture, and It's rare, but I became an angel warrior"

"So your like what? Part angel?"

"I guess so"

"Great, so how is it i'm the only one with no superpowers in this damn family?"


word count- 1044

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