Madison's POV
I was to hyped up on crying, that I crashed on Bobby's couch. When I woke up, Cas was standing beside me. I stood up to face him, and he started to try and defend himself.
"Hello Madison," he said calmly.
"Why are you here?"
"I want you to understand-" I cut him off.
"Raphael, right?"
"I'm doing this for you, Madison. I'm doing this because of you, because I love you," I scoffed.
"Don't you dare give me that piss poor excuse, because it just makes things worse, Cas. You know, you don't get to do whatever the hell you want"
"I know what I'm doing, Madison"
"I'm not just saying don't just for the hell of it! I'm saying it because I love you. So, if i'm asking you not to do something... You gotta trust me, Cas"
"Or what?" I stepped back and sighed.
"Then I'll have to do what I have to do to stop you," I shrugged.
"You can't, Madison. I'm an angel," he says as if he's saying he is stronger.
"I am too, dumbass!"
"I'm sorry, Madison," he said before leaving me alone.
Crowley kidnapped Ben and Lisa, and Dean's about to explode. We're trying to come up with ideas, and Sam thought we'd call Balthazar.
"I'm sorry, guys. Do I look like a manservant to you? No? Well then quit ringing for me, please," I rolled my eyes at him. If there's one thing we have in common it's our attitude.
"Balthazar, quit your whining please. Your bitching is annoying," I sassed. "Oh and by the way, your pal Crowley's alive". His face filled with fear, and I knew that got his attention.
After we talked with Balthazar, he went to go get information. Dean was in the barn for awhile torturing the demon for information, so I insisted he take a break while I take over for a little. When he went outside, I stepped into the devil's trap, and didn't realize I broke the trap. The demon attacked me, but Cas appeared and killed him.
We just stared at each other or a while as I caught my breathe.
"I didn't ask for your help," I sneered.
"Well, regardless. You're welcome"
"Why are you here?"
"I had no idea Crowley would take Lisa and Ben." I scoffed.
"Yeah, right"
"You don't believe me?"
"You're surprised by that?," he looked away from me with a hurt expression.
"I thought you said you loved me. Well, I love you too. Shouldn't trust run both ways?"
"Cas I'm trying, but you just keep breaking me"
"Madison, I always come when you call. And I do love you. Still, despite your lack of faith in me and now your threats. I just saved you, again," he said and stepped closer to me. "All I ask is one thing"
"Trust your plan to pop purgatory?" I ask in disbelief.
"I've earned that, Madison," I shook my head.
"No.. No you haven't. Now please, j-just go" I said turning away from him holding back my tears.
Balthazar agreed to side with us, but the other thing he mentioned to us has me concerned.
If Cas takes in that many souls... He could become a nuke.
It made my heart ache.
I still love him, but I don't know why. I just can't... It's not him anymore.
Word count- 570

Fallen- Castiel Fanfiction
FanfictionMadison Winchester, the middle child of her siblings, is destined to play a role in the apocalypse just like her brothers. She's been in the family business all her life, and that's what got her dragged down to hell with Dean. However, after the two...