31- Black Eyes

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Madison's POV

Sam, Castiel, and I have been trying to figure out a way to help Dean for months and nothing has been working.

So, Dean came back a demon, and has Been MIA with Crowley for months now.

Dean left a note on Sam's bed telling him to let go, but that's not going to stop us.

Sam might have found something, and so I called up Cas to fill him in.

"Sam. Hello," cas greets.

"No, it's Madison. Listen, sam thinks he found something," I said. He goes silent for a few moments, and I realized it may be a little awkward between us seeing as I've been distant for a few months. "Cas? You there?"

"I'm okay, go on" he says after coughing a little.

"Okay, sam found a case where he thinks a guy may have been possessed"

"That would be the first-" he was cut off and coughed again.

"That would be the first lead the first anything we've seen in-" Cas continued coughing and I sighed. "Actually looking at it he might just be overthinking it," I said thinking of an excuse to get Cas out of it.

"Madison, you said it was something"

"Uh, it's not. He was wrong. Sorry"

"I can help"

"Cas, we tried that"

"Madison, you can't blame-"

"Cas I got to go. Get better" I said before hanging up.
Apperantly, Sam got a call from Crowley, and that demon called Dean his best friend which is ridiculous, but Sam located an address and we're headed there now.

I took a separate way as Sam, seeing as he texted me the location. I called him to check in, when I got no answer, and that's when I got worried.
Without my knowing, apparently Dean saved Sam from this unknown capture, and Crowley gave Dean up because he was tired of him.

Now, my demon brother was locked up in the cell, and Sam and I are going to attempt to cure a demon.

I headed down into the library to be surprised by Cas looking at a book.

"So... You and Hannah seem to be hanging a lot," I said trying to make conversation. He tilted his head at me in curiosity.

"She was helping me," he stated. I nodded.

"So are you two-"

"No," he cuts me off. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing important," I say clearing my throat and closing my book. "It's getting late. I'm gonna head in for the night," I said and turned to leave when he grabbed my wrist, stopping me from leaving.

"I miss you," he says looking at me with full seriousness. I look down at my arm and then turning my attention back to him.

"Yeah, I miss you too," I muttered before he let go of me and I left to my room.

I love Castiel, and I don't think I could ever stop, but I just can't bare the heartbreak.
Word count: 550

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