18~ Missing Angel

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So, Season six is kind of getting a bit boring, so i'm cutting out a lot of the story line just for this season and making up a lot of my own. It's just a sort of review for season 6, so you guys won't miss anything. So, It might start out slow, but trust me it gets better.

Anyways, enjoy!

Dean's POV

"Dean, it won't work. I've called both our sister and Cas, but the sons of bitches wont answer," sam said taking a chug of his beer.

"well, let's give it a shot...  I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here. Come on Cas, don't be a dick"

"Like I said, the son of a bitch doesn't answer," Sam said but I looked up and Cas was standing right behind him. "he's right behind me isn't he?"

"Hello," he greeted.

"Hello? I spent all that time trying to get through to you"

"Cas, I think ehat he's trying to say here is that he went to hell for us. He really took one for the team, remember that? And then he comes back without a clue.. And you or my sister can't take five minutes to give answers? Which by the way, where is she?"

"I don't know," he sighs. Sam and I stand up and look at him confused.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"What part of 'I don't know' escapes your understanding?"

"What happened?" I asked starting to worry for my sisters sake.

"S-she just disappeared one day, and I haven't seen her since"

"Have you even looked, Cas?" I asked him. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Of course I have! She just doesn't want to be found I guess. I have other things to do you know?"

"I'm sorry, but what's going on here?"

"It is simple. Raphael and his followers, they want him to rule heaven. I and many others, the last thing we want is to let him take over. It would be catastrophic," he explained.

"You're talking civil war"

"Technically, yes"


"Castiel? Hello? Possible loose nuke down here, angelic weapon. Kinda your department," I sighed as I closed my computer and set it down next to me. It's been two days, and all Castiel does is appear when it's for his benefit, and also where the hell is my sister?! I've prayed to her since she left, and all I get is silence.

"Hello, Dean," Cas greeted as he appeared in the room.

"Are you kidding me? I've been on red alert about Sam and Madison, and you come for some stupid case?"

"You asked me to be here, and I came"

"I've been asking you to be here for days, you dick!"

"Sam isn't Lucifer, and I told you Madison just doesn't want to be found I guess"

"What happened to you, Cas? You used to be human, or at least like one"

"I'm at war," he sighed and leaned on the table. "Certain... Regrettable things are now require of me.... But, I will help you with Sam. Because that's what Madison would've wanted," he said and disappeared.


After our little encounter with the Goddess of truth, it turned out Sam wasn't... Sam.

I knocked him out and tied him up in a chair, and when he awoke, Castiel was here to help me figure out what's wrong with him.

"Has he been feverish?" Cas asked me.

"Have you?" I asked Sam in a stern tone.

"No. No what are- Are you diagnosing me? What do you think-" I cut Sam off.

"What you think there's a clinic out there for people who just pop out of hell wrong?!" I yelled at him. Just then a the lights started to flicker, and a bright light filled the room. When the brightness dialed down, we looked to the side of the room to see... Madison?!

Oh my god, she was beautiful! She looked so much different, so full of light.

All three of us looked at her in shock.

"Madison?! What the hell I've been calling yo-" she cut me off.

"I know you have, Dean. I'm sorry I've been... Busy," she says in a calm tone. I looked to Cas, and he was in shock. Madison looked to him and gave him a gentle smile.

"Hello, Castiel," she greets normally. Okay, somethings not right. They were in love when they left... So what the hell happened?

"Madison.. I-" she raised a hand, motioning for him to stop talking. He nodded and lowered his head, and stepped aside to reveal Sam. She walked up to him, and sighed.

"I'm surprised you guys haven't seen figured out yet," she said.

"Y-you know what it is? Madison, why didn't you tell us? Or even come here sooner?" She glanced on me with an emotionless expression. Yeah... That's not my sister.

"I told you... I was busy," she said simply and turned back to Sam. "Okay, this may hurt," she mentioned before slamming her hand into her younger brother's chest. He yelled in pain, but soon she pulled her hand out of him, and then turned to us. "His soul is... Well, it's gone. Somehow, when Sam was resurrected, it was without his soul"

"So, where is it?"

"My guess is it's still in the cage with Michael and Lucifer. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to get back," she said, but before she left I grabbed her arm.

"Wait! Madison, what is going on? This isn't you," I said in confusion. She pulled my hand off of her, and smiled.

"No, it's not... I'm better," she said before disappearing. I looked back to Cas and Sam and they shared the same look I had.

"We have to something about that, and fast," I said and Cas nodded.

Great.. Another problem we have to deal with.


word count-950

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