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The winter talent show is in a few days and I don't think I'm going to participate. My best friend Kirstie says I should but should I really? I'm not that good anyway. I just won't. I have a bad feeling about this week.

I parked my car in the school parking lot and got out of the car. The cold air giving me chills.

"Hey faggot." Sneered David as he approached me. He's a jock. And the most popular boy in school.

I am an openly gay male. No one appreciates it though. And most people feel uncomfortable because they think that just because I'm gay I am automaticly attracted to them. Stereotypes.

David pushed all of my books down into the snow and his friends snickered. The usual. I went to pick up my books and he kicked me in the stomach. Ok. I clutched my stomach in pain and they procceeded to kick me. I am about to freeze to death. I am laying in snow and being beaten like where are the teachers? I have no idea. They keep kicking me and eventually just walk away laughing.

My lip is bleeding and I probably have a lot of bruises but nothing I can't handle. I coughed. A little bit of blood in the snow. Well then. I picked up my books hoping that they werent wet and went to class. Early. As I was walking I pulled out a tissue from my bag to wipe the blood on my lip.

I am labeled as a nerd. Only because I wear thick rimmed glasses and have a high pitched voice. Wear cheap clothes and shoes and just overall look like a skinny stereotypical nerd.

I walk into the classroom and there are only 3 other people sitting inside.

This one guy looks like Jesus. Aren't we in highschool?

This other guy is very masculine and dark skinned.

Another one is blonde and has blue eyes and pale skin. We make brief eye contact and I cant help but admit he was attractive.

I waved at them and they all waved back with unique smiles. Each one different yet beautiful. No one seemed to notice my lip so I'm okay.

They seem new so I did what any other typical nerd would do. I intoduced myself.

"Hey. Im Mitch." I said. They looked a bit shocked at the sound of my voice. Typical. The Jesus guy then started talking.

"My name is Avriel but you can call me Avi." Said the guy with the jesus beard. I went to shake his hand but he engulfed me in a bro hug. Geez. Embarassing.

"My name is Kevin." The dark-skinned one gave me another bro-hug and I can't help but feel small compared in size.

"My name is Scott." The blonde one just shook my hand and I looked up. When we shook hands it sent what felt like an electric shock through my body and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

He looked down at my lip and seemed to be contemplating a descision. Mention the lip. Or don't mention the lip.

He held his gaze for at least 4 seconds before the bell rung and it was time for class to begin. I sat next to Kirstie and just waited for the day to go by. At least that was my plan. Until Kirstie noticed my lip.

"OH MY GOD MITCH ARE YOU OKAY!?!?" She shrieked.

"Relax, Kirst I'm fine. It was just David as usual."

"Mitch, I swear to god I'm going to kill him when I lay my eyes on him next!"


She looked down at her desk. She knew I hated it when she got overprotective of me.

She let it go and the teacher walked in signaling the beginning of class.


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