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"Scott?" I looked down on him in denial. He couldn't be dead. "Scott!? SCOTT!?" No response.

Kirstie was sobbing and the other 2 guys just looked down in sadness.

"SCOTT! NO! YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAY!" I rested my hand on his chest in attempt to revive him. Nothing happened.

It seemed as if somehow possible, in that split second I relived my entire life. From the day I was born, to the day I started cutting, to the day I met Scott, to now.

I just couldn't accept it. I loved this man so much. He was my everything.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I yelled until my throat hurt. "NOOOOO!!"

Kirstie put her hand on my back in attempt to calm me which ended up in me yelling at her.

"KIRSTIE WHO ARE THESE GUYS!? THEY KILLED SCOTT HOW DARE YOU LET THEM LIVE?" Any of the opposing men would suffocate whenever they got near except the two men. I didn't know why.

The men looked surprised and a little scared that men were falling all around me.

"Mitch it's not what you think," she said calmly. "They tried to save Scott," she said quietly. I wanted to spare them but I couldn't kill them anyways.

I looked down at Scott's empty body. Tears were pouring down my face like Niagara Falls.

I just couldn't believe that my Scotty was gone. I didn't want to believe it.

"I should have been there for you!" I yelled at myself.


"NO!" I shouted. "I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR HIM!" I sobbed. There were at least 30 men piled up near me.


It's true. He's never coming back.

I sat there in silence for a while. People dying left and right but me somehow protecting the people around me without really trying.

I love him.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

A transparent sound wave traveled across the field and knocked everyone on the opposing team dead. The ones on our team were knocked unconscious. All except the two men next to me, Kirstie and the Headmistress.

What I didn't know was that the sound wave hit everyone else in the country and knocked them unconscious.

All of the sudden black glitter seemed to engulf everything. It was everywhere. It raised off the ground and lifted up into the sky and formed a big ball of black. The color was coming from all parts of the country.

The ball was ginormous. Huge.

It made a loud popping noise and exploded. It looked like paint that was cracking. It was replaced by a golden color.

The golden flakes feel down towards the earth as it spread out everywhere. There was a golden shimmer in the air that looked like the one that would cling around me from time to time.

The people on our team woke up laughing. They looked so happy. They were giving each other hugs. A small ball of black flew at me out of no where. I caught it in my hands and it nearly took me into the ground.

It was so heavy. All of the sudden it turned into a ball of dust and disappeared into my hands.

I was hit with a wave of sadness. Guilt. Anger. Fear. Loneliness. Hatred. And many more scary emotions.


I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Scott?" I whipped around.

There he was.

Scott sat there propped up on his elbow staring at me.

"SCOTT!" I jumped over to him in joy and planted a good firm kiss on his lips.

He laughed. I looked into his eyes smiling momentarily forgetting the sadness in my heart.

There was a golden shimmer in his eyes.

I brought him back to life. I re-created him.

There might be a book 2. 🙃

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