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Well if the way I blacked out both equally horrible and horrifying so was the way I woke up.

I heard whispers. Worried whispers?

I opened my eyes a little bit and immediatley regretted that descision. My lord did I regret it.


That's all I saw.

And it was so bright. I squinted trying to ease the pain for a second time. But it wouldn't go away.

Then I heard it.

"Oh my god. He's waking up!! MITCH. MITCH CAN YOU HEAR ME." God damnit Kirstie.

I reached my hands around and when I felt a face I pushed it back. She was so close to me.

"Damnit Kirstie stop yelling," I murmured. "Your loud. I'm not deaf but I almost was."

"Sorry." She whispered.

The light was gone by now so I opened my eyes all the way and sat up. I gasped audibly.

Around me was Kirstie and the other 3 guys. I was in a hospital. How nice.

If I forgot to mention. My parents abondoned me and Kirstie's parents adopted me. They walked in soon after I woke up. More on that later.

I noticed that the guys and Kirstie seemed pretty shook up.

"Why do you guys look so scared?"

"Because," Kirstie looked worried. "You looked like you were going to die. And you did die... I thougth we lost you."

I looked even closer at her face. Her face was stained with tears and her makeup was running down her face. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she was crying.

"W-what do y-you m-m-mean?" I was beyond scared and confused.

"You were dead. For 3 minutes." Kirstie whispered.

"WHAT!!" Kirstie's parents looked at me lovingly. Also with tear stained faces.

"Y-yeah..." Kirstie whispered

The dark-skinned guy broke the ice. "Hey but he's okay now! No brain damage. He can go home today!" He smiled. His smile was contagious. And it made me smile. Soon everyone in the room smiled too.

They all put this in consideration, and soon I was being hugged by everybody. Including Scott. Hey! I finally remembered his name.

"You really are a lucky guy." Jesus said.

"Thanks! Uhhh..." Crap.

"Avi." He didn't even looked annoyed. He looked more amused.

"Sorry..." I whispered.

"Hey man, its okay. Really. Lets make this day about you and be happy that you came back to us." He smiled. He also looks like he is telling the truth. But he could always be good at lying.

"Ok," I thought about what happened today and decided I needed to talk to Kirstie about it. "can I talk to Kirstie alone please?"

Kirstie looked up at everyone. Avi nodded and nudged everone out. Kirstie looked at me in confusion.

"Kirstie what the hell."

"What?" She looked at me like I like I was crazy.

"What the hell was that today. I walked to my locker and you were all standing there, not to mention completley not even acknowledgeing my entire exsistence. You acted like I was the person who just stuck around that nobody wanted. Do yoy even know how that made me feel! The I turn around and you're all gone! How could you do that to m-"

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