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"Kirstie I don't know...."

"It's ok Mitch. I'm not forcing you to answer something you can't... I didn't tell your family you were here because yoy were here yesterday but lets go. We don't talk about this alright?"

"Ok..." I whispered.


I was in the car with Kirstie when decided to tell her about the wierd visions I keep getting.

"So Kirstie?"

"Yeah?" She said briefly looking away from the wheel back at me.

"So, so far I passed out once and died twice right?"

"Yeah...?" She said not knowing where this conversarion was going.

"Well every time I wasn't consious I saw things." She looked at me wierd when I decided to go into further detail. "A lady with purple gliterry Monarch wings, brown hair, a beautiful dress and the most soothing voice yoy could imagine..."

"Ooooohhh maybe you saw heaven!" She said exitedly.

"But the first time I only passed out."

"True.... Mitch today never happened alright. Forget it."

"My plan all along thanks for reading my mind" I joked. She stiffened as soon as I said that. Why she so stiff.


The rest of the car ride was filled with uncomfortable silence. That's the worst.

Kirstie dropped me off at her house and as soon as I stepped foot out of the car I ran to the door. Not because of her dad but because her moms car was in the parking lot and her dad's wasn't.

Before I stepped in I checked the time so I could make up an excuse.

It read 6:21. Good so I stayed at the Library with Kirt because they close at 6:30. I walked in expecting to see Mom but what met my eye shook me to my core. Jack (Kirstie's dad) was sitting on the couch drinking something that looked like rum.

I ran for my room before he could say something but not to my luck he grabbed my wrist before I could make it passed the couch.

He turned me around and slapped my face.

"How dare you try and run away from yo-your father!" He slurred.

At least he made it obvious that he was drunk.

He ripped my clothes off and fucked me raw all while forcing me to stay down so I couldn't move. It was a wonder how I didn't bleed.

As soon as he was done I did my beat to run into my room. I turned on the shower burning hot and jumped in. I gasped at how hot the water was but I feel so dirty.

I rubbed myself with as much soap as possible until it kind of hurt.

I got out of the shower and driend myslef off as much as possible. I went into my room and stared at myself in my full body mirror.

There were bruises on my thighs and large red mark on my face where he slapped me.

I look so ugly. And there's school tomorrow. Ugh.

I put on some PJ's and jumped into bed. I turned on my light and closed my eyes until I fell asleep.


My alarm rang and I opened my eyes kinda scared.

I wanted to turn on the lights but things don't turn on by themselves.

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