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The sorting?

"What the hell is the sorting?" I said sounding clearly annoyed at all the new things being thrown in my direction.

"It's which level and rank your power ability is classified in.... Though I'm pretty sure that they won't know what class to put you in certainly know what level you're in. It goes from a 1 to a 10. From least experienced to expert. We don't have any tens and few nines. I'm a nine."

"Huh,' I said simply. 

Kirstie came out of the bathroom and smirked. I was confused but then realized how close me and Scott were sitting. Shit. Out of all things...

"You guys should date," Kirstie said getting her brush to brush her wet hair. Then grabbing her hair dryer.

I groaned and looked to Scott. He had a contemplating a problem sort of look on his face."What time is this sorting thing?" I asked.

"In about 30 minutes," he said in a monotone voice.

"Shit!" I yelped rushing to get some clothes sorted out. I wanted something to wear that was cute but comfortable to kick some ass in. "That's not enough time for me to get ready!!! Explain to Kirstie what's happening while I shower," I quickly added before rushing into the bathroom.

I took off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. 

I'm so ugly. My big nose. My weird lips... Even my stomach. Looking at my scars made my stomach churn. I knew it was wrong but somehow it made me feel better. 

I shook the thoughts away and took a quick shower. I dried off in there too so I could put my clothes on and not have to face humiliation of the friends.


Somehow I managed to straighten my hair and do my makeup before Sorting and now we were walking down the hall towards the auditorium.

There was no one in the halls and Scott told me it was because everyone was already at the auditorium and ready for us to show up. Tat made my gut churn again. People are going to be staring at me. Intently. Hundreds. Possibly thousands.

Scott seemed to sense my nerves and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Kirst luckily didn't see saving me some more humiliation for the day.


We opened the doors and immediately the room got silent.

I gulped in fear as the people seemed to be staring right at me ripping me apart. I got een more nervous when there were whispers and chuckles. 

They were probably talking about me.

We walked on stage and then a lady's voice rand through the room making me jump. 

"Hello." It was high but smooth. It reminded me kind of like an angel that fell from heaven. In slight pain but happy none the less.

The auditorium was huge. It was about the size of a full sized football field. I mean that was the size of the stage. The actual seating area was even bigger and packed to the rim with students. 

This brought a bit of panic into my stomach. What if they judged me? Thought that I was funny looking? I'm just gong to have to fight my gut feeling to run I guess.

"We will begin. Kirstin. You will be first," The lady said while eyeing me. She gave me a dirty look before motioning for Scott and I to back off the stage.

Once Scott and I were there immediately there was a whoosh and a bang.

"The glass box," Scott whispered in my ear. I gulped in response. There was an invisible glass box that was going to surround us!?!?

All of the sudden a person appeared in the box and shot fire at Kirstie. Before it reached her she moved super quickly and immediately tackled the person to the ground. It was a blurry black shadow that seemed to possess abilities... I'm scared.


After a while of Kirstie tackling people and using her super speed which for some reason I'm not suprised about, there was another whooshing sound. I could tell Kirstie was breathing heavily without the glass case being removed because I could hear it and could see her chest heaving.

"Level 7. Class Energy," The woman stated simply. "Mitchell," I wanted to correct her but I wasn't going to argue now.

Scott turned me to face him and gave me a reassuring look. I breathed heavy before nodding and stepping into the designated area. For some reason knowing that Scott was somewhere nearby made me feel calm.

I heard the whoosh-crash and started to feel a bit less confident than I was a couple seconds ago.

An actual man materialized in front of me.... They thought I couldn't hurt a human if I tried. They're wrong and that's what I'm going to prove. He shot a small fireball at me and I stopped it with a small bubble of water. He wasn't trying was he?

I threw and even bigger water ball soaking him and he shot another bigger fireball. I easily dodged out of it's way and used super speed to tackle to him. He disappeared into thin air. Another person materializes in front of me. Again a man but he looked a bit more vicious.

He shot me with a ball of water and I used some ice to make it disappear. I he lunged towards me for hand in hand combat and as he was running I grabbed him by the hips and flung him over my head. Another person materializes. It's a woman.

She aims for water and has it shooting at flesh ripping speeds aimed towards me and I think of a new technique. Electrocution.

I push my hands out towards the water and when it touches me it stops and turns a bright blue color. It felt so strange looking at myself seeing and feeling things I never have before. The woman drops onto her face.

Another person materializes. How many times are they going to do this!?!? I'm tired! It's another woman but she doesn't do anything... At first. She goes to shoot me something... Purple-ish. It goes right towards me so quickly that I'm not sure that I can dodge it. I braced for impact but nothing happened. She tried again but it just seemed to be as if my body just absorbed it and had no actual side effects.

She disappeared quickly on her third try.

Another person materialized. Shit. But this one looked.... Scared? They looked so scared that it made me angry. Someone was scared of me. I didn't want them to be but they were deathly afraid. I managed to make someone scared and that's not what I wanted. I wanted to make friends here and be  good person and I made them scared.

All of the sudden he drops to the ground screaming in pain. I want to help him but I'm frozen. He's screaming and screaming and I can't do anything about it because I'm a coward. He disappeared and I heard the whoosh of the walls go up. 

That's when I broke. I nearly fell to the ground sobbing because I hurt the guy. I burst into tears and ran out of the room and somehow fund my way into the dorm. 


I was sitting on the bathroom floor cutting at my wrists. I couldn't help it. I was a failure and that's what I would be treated as and if not by someone else than by me. It wouldn't hurt if I killed myself right? I mean I nearly killed a man today. And several other times. I killed so many people who probably had a family who are now met with an unsolved murder case. So peace or disclosure for them on who would kill their sons. The police scratching their heads at the mysterious different kinds of wounds to each person. he lack of hand and finger prints. The strange scene that just doesn't happen.

For christ sakes someone could be in jail with the term 'blood on their hands' in jail though they did no wrong. All because of me. It would give this school an extra bed, an extra seat and one less person to feed. Kirstie could be with someone cool. Scott could find a beautiful human to marry and be in love with. And I will be left with nothing. I look pathetic. Am gay. Fat. And ugly.  Nobody wants me.

That's when I decided that I was going to end it. 

I shot a quick i love you to everyone I knew before slicing into my veins in as many places as possible.

I felt weak and tingly at the same time. OOOOhHHH my blood is purple. I wonder what that means?

Everything went black.

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