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Kirstie left our dorm to get food leaving me and Scott alone.

Somehow we managed to get into the school at the right time to avoid stares from hundreds of other kids.

"Mitch, why the fuck would you do something like that?" Scott said sadly. There was anger in his voice too.

"I-I... Because I'm worthless. Nobody would have cared if I died exept maybe you. Maybe. I was so unsure of myself and remembering the look on that innocents guy's face pushed me over the edge," I said thruthfully.

His face softened.

"Mitch, don't you ever think you're worthless," he said quietly.


I felt something warm on my lips ans was suprised to find Scott kissing them.

I felt butterflies in my stomach starting to erupt. It felt like a million little baby angels were kissing my lips too.

It went from another short kiss to a make out session.

The pink shimmer didn't come back again but when Scott pulled away I knew my pupils and eye color changed. So instead of having the shimmer around me it was in me. Makes sense?

"What does that mean?" Scott asked a little breathless.

"I-I don't know," I said honestly.

"I like it though," he laughed a little and I laughed a little in response too.

"Scott... I'm sorry," I said quietly.

"For what? You have nothing to be sorry for. Your emotions were fucked up and it led you to that," he said quickly.

"No... I nearly died because I thought you wouldn't care. I thought it would make you along with everyone else happy if I dissapeared so you could have a magical life without me," I said running out of breath."But now I know why I shoudn't try. Because you loooovvee me," I giggled.

Scott blushed but didn't deny it. Kirstie opened the door with food and Scott shot up to eat. That bastard. Avoiding the question.

The pizza was good and I only managed to eat most of my first slice before I was full. Damn. I'm going to have to work on that because mommy's skinny as hell.

"Mitch," Scott said slowly.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You have to finish that slice," he said in a stern tone.

"But I'm soooo full," I whined.

He gave me a look and I obeyed eating the rest of the slice. I somehow realized how hungry I actually was and ate another slice.

Both Scott and Kirstie looked happy that I was eating more. Me too. I'm proud. After what I.... attempted... to do I realized I should probably take more care of myself. Scott seemed to think the same and that was all I needed for motivation.

"So Mitch! You got placed in Level 10!!! I'm so proud. My little Mitchie's special!!!" Kirstie squealed.

"HEY!! He's mine!!!" Scott told Kirstie. "But yeah Mitch!!! No one has ever been placed in Level 10 before. That quite literally translated that you are powerful as hell and perfect in every way. You literally have no need for improving because you cant!" Said Scott happily.

I didn't really like that all the attention was focused on me but I did accomplish something big so the least I could do was listen.

"Thanks guys," I said.

Somehow Scott and I managed to catch eachothers eyes. His eyes were so crystal blue they made me want to squeal. It felt like I was swimming in them.

It was almost like crystal clear ocean water. It amazed me everytime I looked into them.

"Get a room," Kirstie said mock annoyed.

We laughed.

The next day was a sunday and the day I would get my bandages removed. I knew there was going to be a ton of ugly scars but I can't changed the past.

I probably could but I won't. Ever. The past is the past and people aren't meant to change the past. The question is. Am I considered a human?

Anyways I won't ever try. It just feels wrong.

"Scott?" I asked.


"I don't understand. Am I a human? Or am I something else? Why am I not like the rest of you?" I asked.

"Well. No we're not humans. We have different names going towards our different abilities. Fire people are called Fire Holders. Lame but it's been that way forever. Energy people like Kirstie are called Energy Weilders. Water people are called Ocean Summoners. Frost or Ice people are called Winters. Wind people are called Winds. You.... I mean..."

"I get it. You don't really know where to put me," I said. I wasn't mad. I was just dissapointed.

"We're all in the same families. Just different species," Scott said.

"It's kinda cool if you think about it," said Kirstie. "Not knowing where you stand on a magical level."

"Well yeah but I would still like to know," I said thoughtfully.

"We'll do some research," said Scott sounding exited.


We were all immediately on our phones and laptops looking for anything that could help us figure out what I was.

"I think I found something!" Yelled Kirstie.

"I knew you could do it," said Scott.

The article was of some sort of magical believer site. It mentioned a species called All Holders or better known as a breed in between Pixies and Fairies.

It also mentioned something about wings. Saying that they won't get their wings until they turn 18. Right now I was 17 and my birthday is in 2 days!!!

"Does that mean that Mitchie's gonna get wings in 3 days!!" Said Kirstie happily.

"I-I think so. This species. Ha-has been extinct for over 1,000 years! Ho-how. Oh my god," said Scott nearly about to fall over.

"My mom!" I whisper shouted to myself. "My mom!" I said a little louder.

"What about your mom, Mitch?" Said Kirstie.

"My mom. She had wings. I saw it," I said breathily.

"You've never met your mom," said Kirstie.

"Didn"t she tell you that I..." Scott trailed off blushing. He was so cute. I'm not even going to take it back.

"She's there sometimes when I black out. Or am near death..." I whispered the last part.

"That's so cool! What does she look like?" Kirstie said happily.

"Beautiful," I breathed.

"Wait," said Scott. Kirstie and I looked at him waiting for him to continue. "Pixies or Fairies have been forbidden in the magic realm for over 1,500 years. So what happens if someone figures out?" Scott said, worry dripping from his voice.

"I... I don't know," I whispered.

"Oh no," whispered Kirstie.

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