chapter six: nightmares

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The nightmares were endless. Every single night I found myself back in my old home, back to the terrified helpless 12 year old girl. This dream had been abnormally vivid, so that night I snuck out of the apartment making sure to take one of the keys. Candice was usually a deep sleeper, so the chances she would notice I was gone were slim to none.
It was nearly 4 in the morning, as I made my way down the street. I was wearing yoga pants and a zip-up sweatshirt. I made sure to bring a knife, it wasn't large, it was actually pretty tiny. But if worst came to worst, it would do the job.
The streets were surprisingly empty, it had rained earlier so that the streets were wet. I had walked a few blocks and I was still feeling shaky from my dream, so I didn't stop walking.
My childhood was terrible, Candice knew a little bit of it, but not the full extent. Every single day I was physically abused. I remember going sleep wishing that I would never wake up, that I wouldn't have to suffer anymore. I prayed for death. One time, I came home, and I was instantly greeted by my father. He beat me to the point I seen stars in my eyes, and right in that moment I wanted him to beat me until I was dead so that I would have to suffer another day. Of course, I didn't die, but I did brake my wrist. I went to the hospital that night, after he left, and I had to tell the doctors I was mugged. They tried to file a police report but I told them that my parents already did. They believed me. I worked that whole summer to pay for my hospital bills. I was only 13.
I wiped away my tear, and kept on walking. It wasn't until a few blocks later I started hearing footsteps behind me. At first it wasn't obvious they were following me, until I took a turn and they followed right behind. I gripped the knife in my hand.
"Hey sweetheart!" A man called out, his voice alone sent chills of dread throughout my body
I started walking faster, hoping they would stop following me. I could hear them laugh at me.
"Oh come on! We just wanna talk" another called out, his voice much rougher.
I continued to walk quicker, until one grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I ripped my arm away from his grasp. And turned around to face them.
"Don't be like that!" One man said, his beady eyes scanning over my body, making me feel uncomfortable.
I backed up, and they followed.
"Please, get away from me" I managed to get out, gripping the knife tighter in my hand.
"Don't be shy baby" the first man chuckled, "we just wanna get to know you."
I brought my knife up, pointing it at them "I said, get away from me" I gritted out
Just then a car pulled up alongside is, but I didn't bother checking who it was. Neither did the two bastards either.
The first man laughed, "what will you do if we don't? Poke us with that toothpick?"
"Get any closer to her, and I'll make you regret the day you were born." A voice spoke out, i quickly looked over to see him. The boss. My breath hitched in my throat. Why was he here?
"Who the fuck are you?" The second man asked, tearing his gaze away from me.
The first man added, "this is none of your fucking business, now go the fuck on, before I beat the shit out of you."
I seen him break his cool composure, his jaw ticked. And suddenly with two strides he was up on the sidewalk and in one single punch, the second guy was on the ground. He stepped around him, and swiftly knocked the other one to the ground. I gasped as he turned to me, and gave me a cold look.
"Get in the car" he commanded, as he strode towards the passenger door and held it open for me, "now."
I looked at the two unconscious men sprawled out on the ground, then back at him. I stepped over one of their bodies nimbly, and walked over to the car. He promptly shut the door. The car smelt like leather and his masculine scent. I wanted to close my eyes and breath it all in. But that would be creepy.
He got in, and sped off.
It was quiet at first.
But then he spoke.
"Why are you out at this time?" His voice was cold, and I could see his grip tighten on the steering wheel
"I couldn't sleep" I replied, trying to seem unaffected by our closeness
He scoffed "so you go walking in a dangerous part, while its still dark." His voice was still edgy, as he stared forward and drove along the streets
I crossed my arms over my chest, and looked at him angrily "I had the situation under control, you know?"
He let out a emotionless laugh, "oh I could see that." He then added, "especially with that thing you call a weapon."
I looked down at the knife in my hands, and then out the window, "you can drop me off right here, if your just going to be a jerk to me for no reason..." I said suddenly feeling irritated
"The hell I will" he said, then he reached up with one hand and rubbed his face. He was quiet for a moment before he said, "I need you to answer me honestly, what were you doing out this late?" He glanced over at me
I played with the knife in my hands, and then attempted to keep a straight voice. I didn't like when I broke down. "I couldn't sleep, that's all..." God dammit. My voice sounded shaky.
He was quiet.
Not one word.
We drove in silence.
It wasn't until I realized a stray tear had fallen down my cheek, that we had come to a stop. I was about to wipe it away, but I felt him reach up and as gently as ever, wipe it away. His touch was light, and if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed that it even happened. I watched him, as He brought his hand away. He suddenly grew colder and emotionless like before. His expression was stormy, and his frame was rigid.
I glanced up, and recognized the apartment. It was candice's. I glanced over at him, and then got out of the car. I was about to say thank you, but instead I thought better and didn't.
"Goodnight, Mr.Demonte"
His eyes watched me carefully, then he said melodically "Goodnight, Miss Clarke."
I just shut the door, and he sped off into the night. I stood there for a few moments and watched the car fade off in the distance.

Authors note:
Oh la la!!!!
This dude is HAWWTTTT!

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