Chapter Three: Preditor & Prey

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Authors note: thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoy this chapter, I didn't fix any mistakes or anything

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Authors note: thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoy this chapter, I didn't fix any mistakes or anything. I'm currently typing this chapter on my phone, so it's kind of a pain in the butt to scroll around and look for mistakes! LOL! The picture above is kinda how I envision Cleo... She has to have brown hair, and look young and innocent. I don't know who this girl is, so if any of you know... Please comment her name! I'd be forever grateful! Haha. Don't forget to comment and vote!! Yas


The next day I found myself curled up on a cozy couch reading one of my favorite stories. I had been in this small and often overlooked nook since early morning. Old Oak Bookstore was one of my favorite places in the whole city. It was a rustic bookstore that was filled with nearly four floors of books. The owner was a small elderly woman whose name was Eloise, she was very kind and she was hilarious. She had a grandson, Michael, who was the quiet and somewhat shy type. He was the male version of me, so we got along swimmingly.
I closed the book I had been reading, and I stretched and let out a yawn. I looked across from me to see Michael, who was also reading.
He must have felt my gaze, he looked up and smiled at me.
"You are the craziest girl" he laughed, as he set his book down on his lap, "it only took you three hours to finish that book"
I laughed, "well, it's my favorite story!" I exclaimed, defending my nerdiness "and plus, once I start reading a good book, it's really hard to put it down"
"I completely, one-hundred percent, agree with you" he said as he reached over and grabbed a random book of the shelf from behind him. He skimmed through it, I watched as his facial features changed. He was still young, probably a year younger than me, he reminded me so much of myself.
We hung out for awhile longer, and talked about our favorite TV shows, and once I realized that it was nearly one, I said my goodbyes and left the store.
On my way out of the bookstore, I bumped into a body. Hard. Which sent me flying back, and my books falling to the ground. I felt hands grab me, saving me from falling completely on my butt. I looked up and made eye contact with familiar blue eyes. It was River.
"I am so sorry!" I gasped, as I reached down to pick up my four books. He bent down as well, and helped me grab them. "I should have been watching what I was doing" I apologized.
We stood back up, and he handed me two of my books. "No need to apologize," he laughed.
I noticed he was standing next to two other guys, who were also dressed in neatly ironed suits and we're watching me fumble around stupidly. Embarrassed, I could feel my cheeks heat up, and I wanted nothing more than to turn invisible and let my feet carry me far, far away from this awful scene.
"Well, hope you have a wonderful day, sorry again for crashing into you!! goodbye!" I gave a short smile, and began to walk away from the group of men. I walked away as fast as my legs could carry me.
I felt a hand reach out and grab my wrist, I looked back to see river grinning at me.
"Not too soon, Miss Clarke" he chuckled, I fully turned around and faced him. "Are you hungry?" He asked, his grip loosened but he never let go of my wrist.
"Yeah" I answered honestly, biting my lip delicately, trying not to act any more awkward
His eyes trained in my lips, and then he took a moment, then looked back at my eyes .
"I was just about to go to lunch," he said, I noticed that his voice seemed deeper, Huskier "join me." It wasn't much of a question, more like a demand.
I was really hungry, and plus spending time with River seemed... Interesting "I am hungry..." I said playfully, as I gave him a small smile.
He smiled for a fraction of a second, and then said "well good, lets go eat" he then pulled out his cellphone from his pocket, and turned away from me, and made a quick private phone call that I couldn't hear. He turned back around, and I had noticed that his friends where gone.
"Where are your friends?" I asked, I seen a glint in his eyes, I couldn't place it. Jealously? Maybe, but it was definitely something along those lines. I quickly added, "I feel bad for taking you away from them..."
He then looked almost relieved, "I told them to leave and have lunch without me." He then said softer, "and I'd much rather be in a beautiful-" he was just about to finish his sentence, when a black sleek car pulled up near us.
River strolled over to it, and opened the door for me. I walked over, and slid easily into the vehicle. Something in my gut told me that I should be smarter, and not get into this car, especially with a person that I just met. The other, part of me assured me that River was a good guy. He slid in after me, the whole time never losing eye contact with me. His eyes were smoldering, and I felt my body instantly react to his gaze. I shifted in my seat, my own eyes taking the time to glance around in the interior. The seats were tanned leather, and went around in a u-shape. I was in a limo! Excited I looked back at River, with an embarrassingly large smile on my face.
"I've never been in a limo" I exclaimed happily, with about the same excitement as a kid on Christmas morning. "I'm sorry, this is just very exciting..." I bit my lip, and looked around. When I looked back at River, I realized he was giving me a softer expression which is as stark difference compared to his usually almost stoic expressions. When he noticed, his features went back to normal. It was so quick I wondered if I imagined it.
He cleared his throat, "we're going to one of my favorite restaurants, it's only a few minutes away from here" he said
I nodded, and then looked out the window at the passing buildings. New York City was a dream, every block had something different to offer. There was never a dull moment living in this city, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My love for the city was strong.
After a few minutes of driving, the limo stopped and I noticed that we were parked in front of a steakhouse. Steak for lunch? My mouth just watered at the thought.
I looked down at my clothes, and I couldn't help but feel a little underdressed. I was wearing blue skinny jeans, and a plain black shirt that was kind of tucked into my jeans. On my feet I was wearing my maroon colored converse. My hair was pulled up into a high pony tail. I was wearing a candace's cheap cotton candy perfume, probably a stark difference from the expensive perfume that the women who constantly surround River wear. I scolded myself and told myself to stop comparing myself with other people.
I was brought out of my thoughts, when I watched as River slid out of the seat, and turned around, offering his hand. I took it, and instantly I felt warmth creep into my cheeks. His hand was much larger than mine, he held my hand as if it was the most delicate thing. I tried to, as gracefully as possible, slide out of the limo. Once I was out, he lead me towards the entrance of the restaurant. Even before we opened the doors, guys in matching suits stepped out and opened them for us.
"Thank you" I said politely as we passed them, the guy nearest to me gave me a small smile and nod.
Instead of waiting for a table, we were instantly lead towards the back of the restaurant. The man leading us, led us to a secluded table far from other guests. Once we sat down, we were immediately given menus, well, I was given one... River just sat there, watching me. Like a predator would watch its prey. Eyes were focused, and his body language completely dominating, controlling even the air around him. Just looking at him, made it harder to breathe. In our intense eye contact, I felt all my body heat rush down there...
"Tell me about yourself, Cleo Clarke..." He drawled out slowly, his eyes never leaving mine.
I set down the menu lightly, and looked at him. "There's really nothing interesting, I moved here when I was younger... My brother took care of me" I lightly shrugged, feeling like a small ant under a microscope.
He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to dangerous levels "have you ever felt a man's tongue on your cl*t..."
Stunned, I sat there. My thoughts were buzzing. His question floating around in my head, I grew embarrassingly turned on. I could feel my cheeks grow hotter than the surface of the sun.
Luckily seconds later, a waiter appeared. And I heard River mutter quietly, grinning from ear to ear, "Don't think for one moment, I'm not waiting for an answer"
The waiter poured us wine, and another came out and put bread in the table.
"The usual? Mr. Jackson" the waiter looked at River, and River nodded, the waiter than looked at me, "...and what will the lady, want?"
River. On a silver platter, preferably holding grapes above his mouth, sitting there seductively. Like in those somewhat comical classical paintings. I gently smiled at the thought. I was just about to order, when Rivers voice cut through.
"She will be having the Linguine Squarcieralla" the way he said the name of the pasta, sounded like the thickest Italian accent. I wondered then, if English wasn't the only language that he spoke.
The waiter nodded, and then stalked off the the kitchen. Leaving us alone again.
"You never got to answer my question." He stated, once again, his eyes drilling into mine.
My breathe caught in my throat, and I could feel my cheeks light on fire once again. "No..." My own voice sounded vulnerable and innocent, even to my own ear. Nearly making me cringe.
River smiled at me, giving me a wolffish grin. Like he was a predator bearing his teeth at his prey, only to other people outside of our conversation, it would appear as if he was only smiling at me. But to me, it felt as if suddenly the game between us changed, and suddenly I felt as I had to run far, far away from him... To avoid the feelings that stirred between my legs.

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