Chapter eleven: Leo

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Hey guys, don't be angry! college is terrible and it is sucking the life out of me. I am updating because I am on a short break, so I figured I might as well get as many chapters out as possible before classes begin. Please vote and comment because I love reading all the comments! it literally means the world to me, and It gives me enough strength to get through classes. I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! 

I sat in front of the vanity, still waiting for Candice. I had already gotten ready, so I just took time to listen to my music and chill out. My outfit was new, I had picked it up on the way back home and I loved it. It was beautiful and I liked the way it looked. I reached up and picked up a red lipstick and carefully applied it to my lips. I stared at my reflection, the color popped against my skin. It looked foreign on me. I was about to wipe it off but I stopped myself. I decided to keep it on, it made me feel... Sexier.

Candice strode out and gave me a smile "that looks great Cleo!" Eyeing my newly red lips.
I thanked her, and we walked out into the club together. When we walked out I instantly noticed it was busy again, I wondered if the 'boss' was having another speech. We walked further in and I noticed that most eyes were on us. I glanced at Candice and she looked a little bit worried. She must have felt my gaze because she looked at me and gave me a look that said 'talk later' I nodded and glanced away. Candice strode over to her designated spot and I over to the bar to help Alexis.
"Hey!" Alexis greeted happily "heard your famous now..." she said with a small smile playing on her lips
I rolled my eyes playfully "what are you talking about now?"
She leant against the bar countertop "I guess everyone loved you on stage, and your all everyone's talking about.."
Curious I leaned in closer, "how do you know?"
"I'm a bartender, I hear things" she stated vaguely with a smirk
I bit my lip in thought and turned around to face the club. I noticed it. Lingering gazes. Flat out staring. Even some of the girls were looking. I instantly turned around and tried to ignore it. My anxiety was slowly crawling back, I closed my eyes a took a deep breath trying not to freak myself out.
Alexis must have noticed and she poured a small drink for me, "here, it will calm your nerves"
I eyed the glass and took it into my hands. My childhood was ruined because of my fathers need for alcohol. I couldn't bring myself to drink it, the smell even reminded me of my father. It made me feel sick.
"I'll just have a water?" I asked softly, not wanting to offend Alexis "sorry, I would it's just that -"
She smiled and waved her hand dismissively "it's totally fine girl! I should have asked first"  she took the drink and emptied it. She then grabbed a water bottle and handed it to me. I thanked her and took a drink.
After that, we got to work. I was extra busy tonight and I hadn't had the chance to see if River was here tonight. My feet were getting used to wearing high heels so I was in a great mood. It wasn't until the club only had an hour left, when my good mood ran out.

"Did you hear about the new girl?" I overheard a girl talking loudly near the bar. I glanced up, my hands were still drying the champagne flutes with a small towel, while I listened closely.
The other extremely blonde girl grimaced, "who hasn't heard about her." She then added hotly "I heard she is a total idiot." 
They both laughed.
"I heard that she was sleeping with the boss... I think, Carly told me that yesterday."
The other girl let out a snort, "I highly doubt that, she isn't even good looking"
"I don't even know why she is working here, with her looking the way she does...
The blonde girl chimed in, "I heard that her mother was just a crack wh*re..." She then glanced at her nails, "looks like the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."
They all nodded in agreement
I sat the flute down on the table, I could feel my eyes tearing up. Don't cry. Don't cry. I kept telling myself. I carefully moved past Alexis, I quietly told her that I wasn't feeling well. I headed off to the dressing rooms. My whole body felt tense and I was seconds away from crying. 
It wasn't until I was halfway there, when I accidentally ran into someone. I quickly wiped my tears away and apologized. My blood ran cold when I seen who it was. It was the boss.
"I'm sorry, sir" I said in a small voice, as I tried to move past him
He blocked my way, and I looked back up at him questioningly. His facial expression was stormy. His eyes were cold and emotionless, almost dead looking. It sent chills throughout my body. 
"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice was low
I gave him a watery smile, "nothing" I tried to sound normal, even though my voice was a little uneven
He peered down at me, "Then why are you crying?" He asked
I opened my mouth, then closed it again. I didn't want to repeat what those girls said. So I lied "My shoes are hurting me."  I internally grimaced, even I didn't believe myself.
He took a step back, and gave me a look. I knew he didn't believe me. Then all of a sudden, he scooped me up in his arms as if I weighed nothing. My hands quickly wrapped around his neck, because I didn't want to fall.
He turned around and then strode towards the office doors, he walked up the stairs and when he got to his office he kicked the door open. I could smell his intoxicating cologne, and it made my head spin. I noticed that he had a tattoo, I could see it slightly on his neck.
He walked over to the large desk and sat me down right on top of it. He then pulled up a chair and sat down. I looked down at him curiously, while he looked up at me.
His face was still emotionless, and his eyes were somewhat more livelier than before.
His hand reached out, and he gripped my ankle. I couldn't suppress a surprised Yelp.
He slid off my high heel and he began to massage my foot. I sat there totally stunned at his actions. What does he think he is doing? I mean... it feels nice... scratch that it feels amazing. 
His hands were large and they felt good as his fingers expertly massaged my foot . I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling. My feet didn't hurt, but it still felt really good I had to admit. 
All of a sudden, he spoke "What really happened?" His voice was smooth and melodic, he then stopped massaging my foot and reached for my other foot. He slid off my heel and began massaging.
I opened my eyes and stared down at him. I thought back to how to girls called my mother a crack-whore and suddenly I felt angry and guilty for not sticking up and being brave and saying anything to defend her.
My chest hurt with guilt, I closed my eyes tightly before I could tear up.
"It was nothing, Sir..." I said, trying to hide the slight waver in my voice. 

"Call me Leo." He said. So that was his name. Leo. How manly... it fit him well.

His hands continued to work on my foot, "So tell me, what upset you." His voice was hard and commanding. 
I put my head down and then I said quietly "I just overheard something that... was about me." I tried to hide my emotions, but my voice sounded shaky. Damn you emotions! 
He stopped massaging my foot, he stood up from the chair he was sitting on and then moved towards me. 
"Who." His voice was hard and I could tell he was angry 
I looked up at him and met his stormy eyes, his jaw was clenched and suddenly I realized just how dangerous this man was. His features looked angry, he looked livid. 
"I really don't know her name, but she seemed to know something about me... Something... " my voice slightly broke off, thinking about how she called my mother a crack-wh*re. I shook my head at how wrong she was, "...something that is very personal, that she shouldn't have known." I quickly finished. 
His body was rigid, but he moved closer. He softly wedged himself in between my legs. I was surprised at how easily I let him. 
He tilted my chin up with two fingers, and my watery gaze met his cold one. He studied me for a moment, and I found that I did the same.
My eyes fell upon a scar was on his eyebrow, it looked menacing and dangerous. My eyes then found his again, and then I noticed just how close he was too me.
He was a tall man, and very muscular and him being this close to me I realized how small he made me feel.
"What did she look like?"
I tried to remember what she looked like, "She had blonde hair, and she was beautiful" I said honestly, then I added "she had an... annoying voice" I added
I could see his lip curl up in a sarcastic smile "beautiful..." He scoffed that part, "all these women are fake."
I was slightly offended because I worked there, and so did Candice and there was nothing fake about her. Candice was honestly one of the realest people, and I loved her for that. 
"Not all... " I said stubbornly, instantly defending Candice. 
His hand softly grazed my cheek, then worked his way down to the curve of my breast. I drew in a sharp breath. His touch lit me on fire.
"Not all..." He said in a softer voice, eyes still watching me.

How do you all like mr.boss man lol ;)

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