Chapter nineteen: Candice

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Where was she? I reached into my purse and looked for my phone, after a little digging around I realized I didn't have it. Strange, I thought to myself. It was late out and I realized that Cleo must be a little freaked out, I'm usually home at this time, but I was given clean-up duty at the club.  I picked up my pace and made it to the apartment in record time. I stopped in my tracks to see a tall and well dressed man standing at the stoop. I walked closer and realized it was River. Fuck.. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked rather rudely, eyeing him suspiciously 

He turned towards me, a look of surprise crossed his handsome features, "Who are you?"

I nearly rolled my eyes, "I'm Candice. I am Cleo's best and only friend and also her Roomate." I huffed. 

"I need to talk with her, she isn't answering her phone." I realized then, how concerned he actually looked. I applauded Cleo, she had this boy whipped. 

I raised my eyebrow, "Well, I suppose you can come up, but if she wants you gone... you have to leave."

As he followed me up the stairs to the apartment, I realized that I had a terrible feeling in my stomach. Something was off and I couldn't put my finger on it. As I opened up the door, I realized that something did happen. The apartment was in a disarray.

"Cleo?" I called out, no one answered.

I walked further into the empty apartment and then looked back at River who was standing there looking lost.

I searched the rest of the apartment. Where was she? This was so unlike her? I realized that most of her belongings where gone. Did she leave me? What had happened?

"Somethings not right..." I said, my voice sounded shaky

River let out a curse and I looked back at him, his expression was dark.

"There's something that your not telling me, out with it." I demanded

River got his phone out of his pocket and began tapping, I thought he was completely ignoring me until he spoke, "A few days ago, the owner of the club threatened me. He told me to stay away from Cleo, and I told him to fuck off."

This didn't seem like a big deal to me, just two stupid guys fighting over a girl that they didn't deserve.

"He told me he would kill me if I got in his way, I didn't think he was serious until he sent a few men over to my work. They attempted to jump me, but fortunately a few of my men seen."

He stopped talking and put his phone to his ear, "I'm going to be needing the security footage for Plazea Apartments. Yes, the last five hours of footage. Send it to my phone."

When he got off his phone, an awkward silence filled between us.

I went into the bedroom and sat down on my bed. I felt like I was either going to pass out of cry. Cleo wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye. I thought of all the horrible things that could have been happening to her.

I put my head in my hands and let out a shaky breath.

"FUCK!" I jumped as I heard River curse, his voice sounded fierce. 

Something has happened to her. 


I'm back bitches, 

xoxo gossip girl. 

please like and comment! I miss all of you. ;') 

excuse all the typos and shit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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