Chapter fourteen: Stuck in the middle

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My heart literally stopped beating and a wave of nausea hit me. It was HER! It was River's Fiancee! in the flesh and blood! I quickly collected my thoughts, and tried to remain as calm as possible.

Just leave and don't say anything, a small voice inside my head urged me. 

But I couldn't move, my legs wouldn't move. 

"Hey." I said my voice sounded rushed 

She gave me a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. She looked over at the receptionist and gave her a small nod, "She's with me, don't worry."

The receptionist looked as frazzled as I did, she simply nodded. 

She gestured me towards the elevator, and I awkwardly followed her into the somewhat crammed elevator. I could see people watching us with mild interest. I couldn't blame them, Sarah was dressed impeccably while  I on the other hand was dressed like a bum of some sorts. 

When we finally reached the top floor, it was just us two. We excited the elevator, and then I realized that I was inside a huge penthouse. What have I got myself into? I glanced around and I took in its luxurious view of the city. 

"I know you are not his cousin." She stated as she casually strode over towards a mini-bar. She looked back at me with a knowing look. 

I stood there, I could feel my face burning with embarrassment, "No, I'm not his cousin." I answered.

She nodded her head solemnly, "I've seen you before, you know?" 

I shook my head, "Where?"

"On his phone."

What? How was I on his phone? I know he gave me his number, but I had never actually called him... I mean I thought about it... but I never did. 

"on his phone?"  I said softly, "I think you have the wrong person."

She poured two glasses of a dark liquor and walked over and handed me one, without thinking I thanked her and grabbed it. 

"There was a picture of you. So when I seen you in the lobby, you were unmistakeable." She took a small sip from her glass and eyed me with an eerie calmness. 

My heart sunk at her words. What kind of picture was it, was I in my 'uniform' for the club. Had this lady seen me almost naked? I wanted the ground to swallow me whole, I was so embarrassed. I wanted to ask her what type of picture, but I wanted to save myself the embarrassment and humiliation. 

I seemed like the other woman, but I wasn't. I had only kissed him once! No! he kissed ME! I never even wanted this to happen. 

But did you? a small voice said tauntingly.  I ignored it. 

"Look, I don't love him, far from it actually." she stated as if she had said these words a thousand times before, "But let me tell you something, I am not leaving him."

"I think you have it all wrong, I am not interested in him." lie. "I have no interest in breaking you two apart, I was actually coming here to deter him from speaking to me again."

She raised her eyebrow slightly, "That's interesting." she paused and set her drink down, "Please enlighten me, how did you both meet?"

"I work at a place that River visits every now and then..." I trailed off, desperately trying to remain vague. 

She was just about to say something else, when the elevator doors opened behind me. My stomach dropped. I knew who it was considering Sarah's cold look directed towards someone behind me. 

I turned around and faced River. 

He stood in front of the elevator with a stormy expression. His whole body was tense. His eyes scanned around the room wearily. My heart raced at the sight of him. He looked tired and worn out as if he just got done with a 40-hour shift. When I seen him, he never looked this tired. This was a big contrast. I realized how handsome he actually looked, despite having dark circles under his eyes. 

"What is going on?" He demanded, his question faced towards a snide looking Sarah. 

She let out a cold laugh, "I don't know, you tell me." she then gestured towards me, "I found your whore in the lobby asking for you." 

"She is not a whore." River growled in a fierce and low voice, I could see the anger in his eyes. 

I backed up from them both trying to distance myself, "First of all, I'm not a whore, I dance." I said through gritted teeth, and then I looked towards a furious looking River, "Second of all, I was here to see you, but I was only here to give this back to you." I walked over to River and gently placed the envelope in his large hands. He looked at me with questioning eyes. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I looked over at Sarah, "I'm sorry, you'll never see or hear of me again. I'm sorry." I apologized once more, and then made my way towards the elevator. 

It was so quiet, all that could be heard was my soft footsteps. I pushed the button and almost immediately the doors opened, I stepped inside and turned around, pushed floor one. 

River was watching me with an unreadable expression and Sarah was watching him with a look of pure distaste. The doors shut. 

A wave of guilt hit me. 

what had I just done. 

Authors note: 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote!! 

I haven't yet edited this chapter, I just wanted to publish it quickly. lol

hope you all have a wonderful day! 






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