Chapter Four: Silver Leaf

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         Authors note: listen to this song 

           The sound of the water hitting against the tiles filled my senses, I leaned against the cold wall and let the steaming hot water warm my body. The rest of the dinner had went well, we talked and conversation flowed easily despite his smoldering gaze which was fixed on me the entire time. When we were finished eating, he drove me back the apartment. It wasn't until realizing things now, that I never told him where I lived. I stood up against the wall and reached for shampoo. My fingers massaging the shampoo into my scalp, letting the water wash it away. Him knowing where I lived was a little weird. A part of me felt like my privacy was violated, but the other part of me felt so turned on, nothing else really mattered. Once the shampoo was out of my hair, I then conditioned. Running my fingers through my hair, untangling some strands. I quickly shaved under my arms and my legs. I stood in the shower for an extra few minutes, with my eyes closed, just enjoying the feel of the hot water. I never wanted to leave this shower. I reached over, and shut the shower off reluctantly. And quickly got ready. I wore comfy clothes to the club, which consisted of leggings and and a white t-shirt. I waited on the couch for Candace to finish getting ready, flipping through several channels on the TV... Finally settling on Ghost Adventures.

"Ready to go babe?" She said, as she threw the duffle bag over her shoulder, and looked at me expectantly.
I got up from the couch and turned off the TV, "yeah, I've been ready for like 30 minutes!" I exclaimed playfully
Candace laughed, "sorry! I may or may not have fallen asleep in the tub!"
"You know that's dangerous?" I gave her a pointed look
She rolled her eyes "okay mom"
We made our way to the door, Candace walked out first. I bumped into her back, because she stopped so abruptly.
"What is it?" I backed up from her, and tried to peer around her shoulder.
She bent down, and picked up a large black box, and turned back to face me, looking as confused as I did "you have a package?"
She handed me the box, and we both walked back to the kitchen counter and set it down.
The box was a matte black, and it wasn't heavy at all. I untied the string, and lifted the cover up and removed the tissue paper. It was lace, whatever it was.
"Oh my god!!" Candace gasped "it's allez!"
I lifted the lace piece up, which felt smooth and light as a feather. It was a bra, that was slightly see-through. It was beautiful, a true piece of artwork. It had tiny designs hand sewn. I set it down, and grabbed the bottom piece which was just as luxurious. The set was absolutely dazzling. I noticed there was a card on the very bottom, I picked it up.

   'Wear this tonight. I want to see how it looks on you.
     - R '

"What does it say?" Candace asked over my shoulder. I didn't want to say it out loud so I just handed her the letter, and watched as she quickly read it.
She gave me a strange look, "this is very strange Cleo," she eyed the lingerie and then said "I have a weird feeling about this guy... Cleo this lingerie is expensive" she then shook her head as if clearing the bad thoughts out, "I just want you to be careful around men like him, they'll make you feel special, give you small gifts... And then that's all you'll ever be... Someone they can use whenever they want and control easily..." Her eyes suddenly filled with sadness, and at that moment I knew that Candace had her heart broken. I wanted to ask more questions, but I knew she would tell me when she was ready.
She then added, looking me dead in the eye "just promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise"
I picked up the lingerie, and put it into my tote bag. It also came with tights, I carefully tucked them away.
Our walk to the club was unusually silent, I could tell Candace had a lot on her mind. I did too. Tonight was my audition, or whatever they liked to call it. I  was going to have to dance in front of the boss, luckily I was a great dancer. When we arrived we walked in, luckily Thomas the extremely large body guard recognized me.
Candace walked past him, and give him a hello. He simply nodded in her direction.
I wanted to say hi to him, but I didn't want to sound dumb "yo... Thomas...." I said, my voice lowering, as I gave him a stupid head nod.
Thomas cracked a smile, and stifled a chuckle.
Oh my god! My first time actually talking to him and I sounded like a complete tool.
We walked on, through the doors and into the now familiar hallway.
When we got to our vanity, Candace did a my makeup. It was light, nothing too heavy. She then applied an anti-frizz serum to my still damp hair. I walked to the dressing room, with my outfit in hand. It took awhile getting everything on, but once I did, I looked in the mirror. This set was absolutely exquisite, it looked even better than the other one. I looked at the girl in the mirror, her large eyes staring back at me. Innocent.
I took a deep breath, and walked out. Candace was standing there smiling at me.
"Damn girl, you look killer!" She grinned
I waved my hand at her, "right back at you, C"
We both walked out. Once again, I began to feel a little self-conscious from all the eyes on us but I kept my stride strong, swayed my hips, and looked straight forward. We walked back towards the hallway. And we stood in front of a door labeled 'office'.
"You need to go upstairs, to the office. When you get up there, knock three times and wait until you hear 'enter'... " Candace instructed, then quickly added "good luck Cleo, your gonna be great!"
I hesitantly opened the door and walked up the stairs. The sound of my heels clicking and the sound of my heartbeat drowned out the faint music from behind me. I stood infront of the door, and knocked three times.
"Enter" a deep accented voice called out.
I pushed the door open gently, for some reason trying to stay quiet. The room was somewhat dark, my eyes instantly found the man sitting behind the large desk. He was watching me, his intense dark eyes attuned to my every movement. I walked in closer, shutting the door behind me. Upon closer inspection, I soon realized how sinfully handsome this man looked. His skin was tanned, and his face looked as if God himself had sculpted it. His cheekbones were higher, all the more creating his allure.
"What is it, that you need?" He bit out, clearly angry that I had interrupted him in whatever he was doing before
I clasped my hands together, fear settled in my gut "I was told I needed to audition..." My voice was quiet.
He leaned back in his seat and took a long look at me. His eyes shamelessly travelled along my legs, stomach, and lingered on my breasts. He then looked me in the eyes.
"Turn around" his sultry voice sending a wave desire throughout my body.
I turned around and closed my eyes, I felt so uncomfortable. My pulse was skyrocketing, and I could feel my legs trembling slightly. To say I was nervous was an understatement.
I felt him come up behind me, until his front was against my back. He towered over me.
"Lean into me" he demanded, I hadn't realized how stiff I was standing until I relaxed and leaned into his body hesitatingly. Then I felt it. His... His member was pressing against my butt. His hands grabbed my hips, and pulled me closer against him, then he proceeded to grind himself closer to me so that I felt his hard member even more than ever. I could feel my cheeks flush. "This is what you do to me" he whispered into my ear, his voice sending chills throughout my body "This is what I need you to do, for every other man out there. I agree to let you work." He stated, his voice turning cold.
He stalked back to his desk, I turned around. Confused.
"What about 'training' I've been told that I need to-"
He put his hand up and cut me off, "you don't need it. Now go, I'm busy."
I turned around and strode out of the office. My nerves were a wreck, and my mind was running a thousand miles a minute. I quickly made my way back to the dressing room, I looked in the mirror. My face was slightly flushed and my eyes glinted with curiosity. I straightened up and took a deep breath.
I walked towards the curtains and pulled them back. Everything was in full swing, people were scattered everywhere, drinking, laughing and talking. I instantly felt people watching, so I closed the curtains behind me and strode towards the bar.
Candace was standing there, while Alexis was making drinks. She had a worried expression on her face, but once she seen me, she smiled.
"How'd it go?" She asked, her eyes searching my face
I shrugged "I guess it went okay, because I got the job"
She squealed with excitement "I'm so happy!"
I laughed, "I think your happier than I am right now"
"How was it?" She asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.
I proceeded to tell her in full detail of everything that went down in the office.
"That's strange, he usually never, well as far as I know... Becomes physical during the auditions" she mulled out loud, "during mine all he did was sit there looking stern and angry, then proceed to ask some questions, after that he sent us away in another room where we danced in front of a stern woman who then turned out to be the dance instructor, who give us pointers and then would either approve or disapprove" she tapped her chin thoughtfully "it was all strange really..."
I snorted "yeah, sounds real strange C" I then leaned against the bar.
"Hey cleo!" Alexis poured a few a green tinted drink into a fancy glass, "could you be an absolute doll, and give this to that gentleman over in the corner booth?" She pointed quickly to the booth in the back.
I picked up the tray easily, and made my way over to the booth that was located in the very corner, farthest away from everyone else. The curtains were slightly closed, but I merely pushed them aside. An older gentleman sat alone, lighting a large cigar. He glanced at me, and gave me an approving low-whistle out of the side of his mouth.
"You sure are a pretty little thing" he said, in a southern drawl
I put the drink lightly on the table, a bad feeling settling in my stomach, "there's your drink sir, would you like anything else?"
He took a long inhale and then blew out thick smoke, "maybe your pretty pink little p*ssy..." He murmured, his voice sounding gruff and muffled due to the cigar that bobbed lightly in his mouth sending ash falling unto the table.
I nearly puked, but I held in my disgust "I'm sorry sir, but-"
He cut me off by pulling me closer to him, his grip was deathly. I was about to scream, when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.
"I wouldn't advise that, Mr. Walker, she's with me"
I scrambled away from the lecherous old man. And turned around to face familiar baby blue eyes. River Jackson had went out of his way to save me from a terrible fate. I nearly cried with happiness.
The old man laughed harshly, "You don't know what's going on, now leave us..." He reached out for me, successfully grabbing my arm and bringing me closer to him once again, "I've got a little bit of exploring to do..."
River reached out and grabbed me away from Mr.Walker. I became instantly annoyed, feeling like a rag-doll being tossed around.
"Go near this girl again, and I'll see to it, that I ruin Walker Enterprises once and for all..." River threatened, his voice sounded serious, "you know I can, I've just been waiting for the time to do so"
Mr.Walker gave River a sour look, "keep her..." He muttered, "didn't want her anyways." He drawled out
River sent one more murderous look, then strode off with his arm around my wrist. His grip was strong, but he was too angry to realize.
"Stop!" I exclaimed, "River, your hurting me.."
He instantly stopped, and faced me. "I'm so sorry Cleo... I didn't realize... I wasn't thinking right"
I gave him a small smile ignoring my wrist, "thank you for what you did back there, I just was too... Scared, I didn't know what to do"
River grabbed my wrist and gently kissed it, "I'll always be there for you."
I blushed, and thanked him again.
"I have to be on my way, I won't be seeing you for awhile as I have a business trip for a week" he sighed, as he rubbed his hand across his face and he looked stressed, "so I guess this is goodbye for now"
"Goodbye, for now" I said gently, all of a sudden aware of our close proximity to each other.
He grabbed something out of his pocket, and grabbed my hand. He placed it in my hand, and shut my hand tightly. I held whatever it was, and gazed back into his eyes.
"You look... Beautiful tonight Cleo" he murmured huskily, his eyes lingering on my lips, I could tell he was about to lean in, but he stopped himself and strode out towards the exit, leaving me slightly breathless.
I opened my hand to see a small necklace, it was a simple chain. The charm was a silver leaf, which was so delicately carved, the detail of the leaf was exquisite.

Authors note:

Hey dudes thanks for reading. Ur the best and u know it. Vote and also guess what?
SWIPE UP!!!!!!!!





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