Chapter Seventeen: I want you

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I stood there in complete shock, my body wouldn't move.

Leo was watching me with an unnerving expression. He looked crazy.

"I asked you a question, and it would be rude not to answer." He said in a calm voice, "Didn't your mother ever teach you that?" He said in a patronizing tone, his eyes were taunting. Did he know about my past?

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing escaped my lips.

He let out a loud sinister laugh, "Aren't you going to ask what I'm doing here?"

"Where is candice?" I asked, my voice was surprisingly even.

He pushed himself up off from the windowsill and made his way slowly to me, "And you are more worried about candice? You are too innocent and naive." His voice sounded like he was praising me, but his expression was still emotionless and cold.

"I asked you a question, it would be rude not to answer." I said in a mocking voice, my anger was slowly building up. If he hurt candice, I would give him hell.

He tilted his head in a menacing manor, "She is safe, for now." he stopped walking towards me when he was about five feet away, "but if you make any move, she is dead."

"What are you planning on doing?" My voice sounded nervous, because I was envisioning Candice being shot. I could never live with myself if that happened.

"For one, you are coming with me." He said darkly, "And if you try to run, I will personally put a bullet through your friends head. You see, I get what I want, and right now I want you, and If I don't get you..." He paused and let out a cold laugh, "Let's just say, I'll be a very angry man." his eyes were glinting with a look that made me want to run.

If I ran, Candice would die. There was no way out.

"Why? why me? There are so many girls out there, there are so many willing girls." I tried to bargain, make him see sense. But something told me he had already made up his mind.

He thought about the answer for moment, "I've already had all that. I want something more... filling. I want you." he was about to say something, but he seen me step back slightly and his eyes turned back into emotionless black orbs, "Enough talk. Lets go."

Just then two men came out of nowhere, and grabbed me roughly. I kicked violently and scratched wildly at them, I was just about to let out a loud scream when I felt hands grab my jaw. Leo grabbed my jaw and faced me towards him.

"One noise and she is dead." he said in a warning tone.

I stopped fighting. The men grabbed my arms and brought me out towards the black car that was parked right outside the apartment doors. I was pushed inside and the doors were shut. Leo and his men got in a separate car and sped off. I looked at the driver, he wasn't looking at me, but straight ahead at the road. He had a ear set in.

"Sir, please let me go. please" I quietly got his attention.

I seen his eyes flick back at me and a flicker of compassion crossed his features. He looked forward again and started the vehicle. The Partition slowly slid up and just like that I was alone in a moving car, going towards an unknown place.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

I silently prayed that Candice was okay, wherever she was.

Will I ever escape?

Authors note:

Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this! Who all knew that Leo was trouble comment '✋'!! 

haha love you all.

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