broken record

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I'm a broken record
All I feel is pain and panic
I'm prey to every charismatic
Person who I've ever met

I'm a broken record
The same nightmares keep me awake
I get to bed early and stay in late
While outside the people dance

I'm a broken record
I spin and spin on the same old track
While others move on and don't look back
And forget all about me

I'm a broken record
Life moves on but I don't advance
I jump at every distant chance
But I always fall just short

I'm a broken record
I complain about the same old things
And sit too long on long-gone daydreams
While others' dreams come true

I'm a broken record
My purpose is gone so I'm left in the dust
In the heat, rain, and snow, gathering rust
Playing the same old unfinished tune

I'm a broken record
And everything repeats 'till I know it by heart
Some twisted people call everything art
But it's not

I'm a broken record
Emphasis on broken.

Misty (a collection of my poetry) {{COMPLETE}}Where stories live. Discover now