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You're a good boy

Not a goody-goody, just good

At everything

And I'm a bad girl in the same way

No leather jacket or motorcycle

Or nose ring

No tattoos or electric guitar

But sometimes I forget which ways left and right are

I've been around for too many years

And I still can't spell "would" sometimes.

W-O-U-D. I think there'a an L in there somewhere

And wanna know a catastrophe? Wednesday

And colonel or colonel and why the heck is it spelled that way?

For some reason I always forget the word "segway"

And instead say "escalator" or "elliptical"

Even though I know what both of those mean

(Neither means segway)

And I think the AP physics students have worked some magic on those stairs

And made gravity stronger over there

Because there is a 0% chance that I'll make two steps without falling to who-knows-where

Here are some more stats!

There is a 100% chance I'll think seven times six is 46 before 42

That's science for you! Or math or stat - I'm not sure.

I can't play any sport with kicking or hitting - or any sports

Without breaking a nail or my neck

My neck isn't broken yet but I'm anxiously waiting

Like for an online order that hasn't arrived yet

But in summary:

You're a good boy, not goody-goody, just good

And I'm a bad girl, W-O-U-D catastrophe without a nose ring

Falling upstairs and downstairs and hey, what's seven times six

I'm a bad girl

Maybe that's why I want you so badly

Misty (a collection of my poetry) {{COMPLETE}}Where stories live. Discover now