The Signs As Types Of Magic

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Aries - (pyrokinesis) mastery over fire, self combustion, projectiles.

Taurus - (alchemy) ability to change chemical elements from one substance to another.

Gemini - (fulgurkinesis) mastery over lightning, mental/physical speed.

Cancer - (mental projection) ability to transmit images and feelings to the minds of other.

Leo - (shapeshifting) ability to change one’s appearance This sounds pretty neat

Virgo - (elenchus) ability to distinguish lie from truth, also known as truthseeking. 

Libra - (therionology) ability to command animals, animal mages.

Scorpio - (protection) ability to heal self and others, create force fields.

Sagittarius - (levitation) ability to fly

Capricorn - (necromancy) ability to cause manifestation/summoning of creatures, dead or alive.

Aquarius - (telekinesis) ability to move objects with your mind.

Pisces - (harmonizing) ability to arrange one’s environment to invoke a specific feeling or mood.

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