The Signs Waking Up *

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A request ( that I totally did not forget about nope )

Aries: Takes a world war to wake them up, sleeps like they haven't in 3 days.

Taurus: Always keeps falling back asleep atleast 20 times before they finally manage to stay up

Gemini: Sleeps so late that they're never on time to anything

Cancer: Goes to bed so late it's impossible for them to wake up before noon

Leo: Early risers, gets up easily no matter how late they go to bed

Virgo: Has a body alarm clock, wakes up the same time everyday

Libra: Gets up really early to do their routinely schedule, though most of the time they sleep in regardless

Scorpio: Does not, and will not, get up at any appropriate time, only gets up when they feel like it. Don't wake them up. You will die.

Sagittarius: Doesn't wake up late or early, gets up easily but prefers sleeping in

Capricorn: Waking up is the hardest task of the day, takes forever to even acknowledge they're awake.

Aquarius: Doesn't like sleep much, So they're easy to awaken

Pisces: Sometimes they get up easily, sometimes it's like they're awakening from a coma, there is no in between.

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